View Full Version : First panic attack in a while

16-03-17, 12:44
Was just stood talking to my friend on my lunch and legs went like jelly and felt like I was going to pass out. Common signs of a panic attack. I know this because I've had them kids of times but not for ages, I've felt abit anxious all morning. It's left me feeling like I just want to cry. I'm stuck in work till 5. Not felt like this for ages. Any advice will help xx

16-03-17, 19:12
Hi Titch

Sorry to hear you've had a rough day, i've been having similar problems myself the past month where i've had panic attacks out of the blue for what seems to be no reason. I think in hindsight, my Health Anxiety is just in full swing in the moment and even if i'm not thinking about it, it's still in my back in my mind, sometimes that's enough to trigger a panic attack!

Is there anything that's caused you to feel very anxious lately? Stress at work or anything like that? Sometimes we don't realize something is a problem til we take one of these panic attacks or it can just be a cumulative effect if there has been a lot of stress in your life lately.

Are you taking anything for anxiety or have done in the past? If so, did it help?

The important thing to remember about panic attacks is that while they are extremely unpleasant and leave you feeling drained, they aren't dangerous and it will ALWAYS pass.

If it's been a while since you've felt like this, have a think back to what helped you the first time around and perhaps take steps to try that again, or it could be something as simple as recognizing stress factors in your life and trying to eliminate them one at a time if possible.

Anxiety and panic is a horrible thing but know you're not alone in this! I'm sure other members will have helpful advice for you too!

Take care and hope you feel better soon!