View Full Version : Just cant believe the system...

24-04-07, 11:49
After losing benefits after a dwp medical, the letter I got from them told me to contact the jobcenter about appeals etc... So today I went down to see them.

It was a nightmare, some salesperson type person came straight up and said can I help you, I explained that I had lost benefits and wanted to talk about the situation and about appeals, he walked over to a wall and said here is the form you need and started walking away. I stopped him and said I also want to talk to someone about this, and about what benefits to claim, he gave me sheet of paper saying ring these people, you can either claim a reduced rate of income support at 40 (yes he said 40) percent, or declare yourself fit for work and claim jobseekers allowance.

I then said, I dont know what money I will be getting next week, I NEED to talk to someone about this, he just said ring the number on their, they deal with all that side mate..

Im in shock....

I find filling in those forms hard at the best of times, and the though of actually having to do one 'over the phone' isnt pleasant. What about people who just cant use the phone at all? The form says they will only deal with the claimant, not anyone else unless the claimant has made prior arrangements with them... As you have to phone them to make those arrangements, they obviously are clueless.....

I cant believe the system, its bad enough getting the letter about a medical, bad enough going through it then waiting for the result, but then to get fobbed off and told to ring a number is beyond a joke.

24-04-07, 12:07
Ken I'm sorry to hear of your plight. I am glad you are appealing against the decision but I have to say I had no idea that it was that complicated.

I agree that the system sucks and it's bad enough suffering with the anxieties we have without having to go through the aggravation of medicals and filling in forms.

I hope you manage to get it sorted out soon and wish you the best of luck.

24-04-07, 12:29
Hi Ken,

If you want to appeal I believe you have to inform them within 14 days of their decision. Can you write them a letter? I prefer this method because when you hand it in you can ask for a receipt which proves you have replied within the time. They have a terrible habit of losing information so its good to have proof.
I used be help disabled people claim benefits, so I am fully aware of how awful the system is. If you want any advice please pm me.

Love and hugs shoegal xxx