View Full Version : Scared headaches mean stroke

16-03-17, 18:01
Hi all

I have been getting migaranes quite alot recently it normally happens if I have had a long busy day, by the end of the night I have such a bad head I need to sleep it off as it also makes me feel sick.
The thing thats worrying me is its always on the same side behind my left eye.. I had my eyes checked recently to rule that out and they are fine.
I dont spend time on the computer a lot and I drink plenty of water.

A friend scared me saying I should get it checked out as I have had anxiety for some many years (over 10) that all the stress can cause the veins to tighten and I could have stroke, and headaches are a sign. Que panic...now its made me stress even more.
I have an appointment with my doctor next week but now I am terrified that stress has done something. I have about 5 migraines a month now as I am busier than I used to be. Can it just be the fact I get so tired that I get them?
I am 28
don't smoke
healthy weight but I do eat a lot of sugar (chocolate)
I drink on a weekend every so often but not alot

but I do stress out alot and this is whats making me think I at a high risk :weep:

Clydesdale Epona
16-03-17, 19:54
Especially considering your age you're at a very low risk, it could be tiredness causing it, just wait it out until your doctors appointment it'll be okay x

All the best :hugs:

17-03-17, 01:57
I have the same fear!!! Every time I get a headache I worry. Hopefully we will get past this but you're not alone. It can be millions of things tho. Dehydrated, anxious/ tension, caffeine, tired.. so many more small things. I feel your pain tho it is annoying and exhausting.

17-03-17, 02:08
You are too young for a stroke. If anxiety and stress could cause a stroke I would have been dead years ago. See a doctor about your migraines and go out and enjoy your life!

17-03-17, 02:55
No one is too young for a stroke. That's not to scare anyone, but misinformation like that shouldn't be spread on here. Anyone at any age can have a stroke, it's just not as likely at a younger age.

It's very common for people to get migraines. I get them very often and they suck. You can visit the doctor and see what they recommend to help you get less headache/migraine days. There are natural remedies and medications that can help. One time, I had a migraine so bad that I lost part of my vision in my right eye for almost an hour. It was scary but migraines are rough! Stress can bring them on too, so try your best to relax and see your doctor for some tips on how to manage them :)

17-03-17, 03:11
True, anyone can have a stroke, however, she does not smoke, is healthy, is young and suffers from stress and anxiety and worries about having stroke. Only a doctor can run test and see if she is a risk for a stroke. My daughter suffered from migraines for years and had her ear pierced and swears she never had a migraine again.


I don't like to recommend google but it this procedure has been compared to acupuncture. Good luck, I've only had 2 migraines in my life and never want another one.

17-03-17, 04:21
Honestly if you were having a stroke every time you had one of these headaches you'd notice some other sort of symptom by now. Headaches can be caused by stress. Also sugar is a known migraine trigger. I'd say make sure you drink a lot of water, cut down on sugar, and don't stress as much (harder than it sounds I know). At the end of the day, you're in a low risk category and you're seeing your doctor in a week. Take it easy till then.

18-03-17, 08:36
Thank you everyone.
I feel less worried now, thank you for reassuring me, I am very stressed out at the moment so hopefully once I get past the stress the migraines will calm down. It always happens after a busy day so it goes to show tiredness may be the cause.
Hugs to everyone.