View Full Version : Umm... I'm really nervous. Convinced myself I have Sarcoidosis or Lupus.

16-03-17, 19:01
It's all in the title really :weep:

I got some tattoos done last month as a protest to my fears, to do something that rebels against my health anxieties and take a view on that was more or less... You only live once, enjoy it, don't be afraid of it, your gonna go out at some point, have fun while your here! Yeah. Only...

About 2 weeks after I got tatted up, one of my fingers swelled up to the point I had to cut my ring off, the tattoos aren't around my hand either and they healed up fine. I didn't realize how bad it was, was having a painful time trying to bend it but put it off to maybe hurting myself at work or something. It lasted about a week before I went to the pharmacist, she was thinking I'd broken it but I think I would of felt that or heard something so doubted it. I mentioned the tattoos being the only new thing I could think of, she gave me anti allergy tablets. I took them as told but it didn't do anything and the tattoos were fine, she also commented on the new contact dermatitis on my hands but I'd been using antibacterial soap and I put it down to that.

After the tablets didn't work I phoned the gp like I was told to do, got fobbed off to the advanced nurse practitioner who automatically thought I'd broken it. She said to go to A and E asap, but she wouldn't give me a referal or anything. I left and waited awhile longer wanting my body to sort itself but then I noticed another finger was doing the same thing, it really hurt to bend and wouldn't bend all the way.

So off to A and E I went. Only to be told it sounds like a chronic inflammation problem and the doctor should have seen me, not the nurse, and that because they didn't give me a blood test or a referral that they couldn't help me.

Went back to gp, who reluctantly gave me a blood test and referal for x ray for my hand, a few weeks go by, blood tests didn't show arthritis but I had a higher protein count than usual but the gp reassured me I was okay (I have one kidney so was a bit worried about that one and wasn't expecting that.)

I then went for the x-ray a few days ago. I'm told it could take a week or so before the results are in for my hand. While I'm waiting though I've had this horrible pain in my wrist and the long bone between the wrist and elbow. I also have bone pain at the back of my neck just as it meets the shoulders. I have a tilted pelvis and get pain in my lower back and knees to the point I have to use a crutch sometimes but I've had it for years and learned how to listen to my body and manage it. I started getting strange pains in the joints of my knees that feel different and it's like I don't understand that part of my body anymore with what it's telling me. I've been having shortness of breath and then I thought in my great wisdom that I'd google it.

I read a tonne on Sarcoidosis and Lupus and I'm scared I've got one of these conditions :unsure:

Should I go back to the gp and request a chest x ray? Has anyone had these symptoms and everything turn out okay? I'm due to get another tattoo on the 20th, should I? They aren't my first I should say, I got one done when I was 17, I'm 30 now and didn't have any problems that I know of. Ugh, I feel absolutely miserable. Even now I feel like I'm not getting enough air.

To try and help myself I have had a cup of chamomile tea and have lavender essential oil that I put onto a bit of cotton on my desk for a bit of aroma therapy. I don't know what else to do. Can someone talk to me? Thanks!

16-03-17, 19:26
My husband was diagnosed with Sarcoidosis early last year which was a HUGE relief as we thought it was lung cancer - they found a mass on his lung x-ray. Sarcoidosis affects his lung capacity but he leads a completely normal life, runs around at work all day on a building site and doesn't appear to have any other symptoms. He has check-ups every six months or so to make sure the lung damage isn't getting worse (so far it is unchanged since his first x-ray in November 2015).

Sarcoidosis is very rare and you probably don't have it. But even if you do it doesn't have to be something to be stressed about. People live with chronic illnesses all the time with minimum effect on their lives.

Shortness of breath or bad coughs that last more than a month should always be checked out by a doctor but statistically the chances of you having a serious lung disease are tiny.

16-03-17, 19:29
Thank you,

It really helps to have people put things in perspective for me. I'm glad your hubby doesn't have cancer and that he's doing well! I suppose I kind of get stuck on the worst case scenario side of illnesses and read horror stories and then that's all I think about.

16-03-17, 19:34
I do the same!! It is easy to get into a spiral of panic.

I've had some therapy this year and it has really helped to get things in perspective.

Also - stop googling to diagnose yourself and limit yourself to googling treatments for illnesses you actually have. It really helps.

16-03-17, 19:37
That's great that you got yourself help, it feels so good that I'm not alone with these feelings. I don't know why I never joined a forum with people who I can talk to before now, I guess I always feel silly and then start worrying about what other people think of me.

I'm in therapy as well, I'm hoping it helps. Sometimes I feel like I'm losing my mind!