View Full Version : Cold or Pneumonia?

17-03-17, 01:28
I literally just got rid of a cold and then less than a week later I have either a new one, or it just never went away. I have green mucus and there's a little blood in it--especially when laying down. I'm trying to get it up as much as possible because I hate being sick. It makes my anxiety 10x harder to deal with when I feel like I can't breath out out of my nose. I have a sore throat and feel short of breath too, but I'm still able to walk around and do some things. I'm wondering if anyone would know the difference between a bad cold and pneumonia?

17-03-17, 02:30
Go to a doctor for antibiotics. If you have discolored discharge, short of breath and sore throat only a physician will be able to diagnose what you have.

17-03-17, 02:58
I'm just asking if anyone knows the difference. I'm not asking for a diagnosis.

17-03-17, 02:58
I agree with Snow about going to see your Primary or at least call and tell them what's going on. Growing up, I could count on a case of bronchitis every year, once it developed into pneumonia and for me, it was complete exhaustion and I couldn't keep anything down at all. Everyone is different, talk with your Dr. if you have any concerns. Best wishes.

17-03-17, 03:01
We don't know marbles, that's why we suggest you call a doctor. You just got over a cold and you're sick again. I waited to go to the doctor and thought I had a chest cold, it was bronchitis and the doctor told me if I had waited long enough I would have had walking pneumonia. Take care of yourself and see a professional.

17-03-17, 03:04
I guess I'm wasting $100 tomorrow. I hate going to the doctor

17-03-17, 03:13
Why do you feel it's a waste of money to go to the doctor?

17-03-17, 03:16
Because every time I go, they say that it's an upper respiratory infection or allergies. Now that I have VCD, I never know if I'm having actual shortness of breath with colds or if it's my vocal cord. Part of me thinks it's my vocal cord because I'm coughing and feel the itchy feeling on that side--the vocal cord that's messed up.

17-03-17, 04:45
Coloured mucus is often a sign of respiratory infection. It's probably a return of he same cold and needs some antibiotics if it is affecting your breathing.

I wouldn't consider pneumonia on the strength of these symptoms because what you have said is a common description of a cold to many people.

I have asthma, my doctors always told me to look out for coloured mucus when I was a child struggling more with my breathing than I did later on. I usually needed antibiotics to beat the infection and keep my asthma from worsening.

One time I had pneumonia. I woke in the night feeling like my chest was being crushed. It was different, it brought pain with it which infections didn't.

My mum has asthma and has pneumonia last year. She has pain with it and couldn't stand properly.

If you had pneumonia, you would have a fair idea something was wrong. It's very treatable though.

17-03-17, 08:51
I literally just got rid of a cold and then less than a week later I have either a new one, or it just never went away. I have green mucus and there's a little blood in it--especially when laying down. I'm trying to get it up as much as possible because I hate being sick. It makes my anxiety 10x harder to deal with when I feel like I can't breath out out of my nose. I have a sore throat and feel short of breath too, but I'm still able to walk around and do some things. I'm wondering if anyone would know the difference between a bad cold and pneumonia?

I have had pneumonia and struggled to breathe when laying down only, no cough but did have pain in my chest, I landed up in Emergency where they did a chest x-ray and diagnosed me with it and had loads of antibiotics. I know you not asking for a diagnosis but I am just telling you want I experienced with it. I would recommend seeing your Dr.

17-03-17, 12:09
I'll go to the doctor today. This sucks because now I have 2 appts, but I'd rather not wait around if it's possibly pneumonia or even a pulmonary embolism :weep:

17-03-17, 14:01
I'll go to the doctor today. This sucks because now I have 2 appts, but I'd rather not wait around if it's possibly pneumonia or even a pulmonary embolism :weep:

Ive had two PE's too & its quite unlikely....

17-03-17, 16:26
Yeah, I'm really stuck on the pulmonary embolism worry.

My cardiologist said my lungs sound clear, but I'm about 85% sure that I've got an ear infection at least. That whole side of my neck and head feels heavy.