View Full Version : Panic Before Vacation

17-03-17, 01:43
So I have a large-ish mole on my upper thigh that suddenly looks red with a small raised section. I'm pretty sure that there's a pimple under it--there are a few around and I seem to have a bit of hormonal acne right now (one's early 30's seem to be fraught with shifts). But I'm supposed to be leaving for vacation on Saturday morning and am trying really, really hard to process this before we go. I spent a month in Ireland with my partner last summer and it was packed with self-checking and constant, breathtaking fears that I had breast cancer. It really ruined large parts of the trip. I'm also terribly afraid of going to the doctor. Just last week I forced myself to go to the dentist by bribing myself with a massage and feel fresh out of bravery. Does anyone have any recommendations? The last two weeks have been really emotionally difficult as I found out that my young cat has kidney disease and brought in a hospice foster dog, on top of a broken windshield and other such irritations. I need this mental break, but am afraid I'm going to ruin it for myself.