View Full Version : Liver scan - Can anyone help please?

24-04-07, 15:05
My name is Ben and this is the first time I have posted so I'll give you a very quick background. For as long as I can remember I have been worrying about my health, which from a rational perspective seems fine. Although it has taken me a long to time to find names for how I feel I can now say that I have Health Anxiety and OCD (mainly health related).
My worry at the moment though has a genuine catalyst this time. I have suffered with a chronic upset stomach for the past couple of years which appears to be as a result of constantly worrying. I recently had some blood tests run to check everything was working as it should be and one of the enzymes in my liver results came back a bit high, I can't remember which though as unfortunately my mind goes blank after I come out from having seen the doctor. Now being about a month and a half later I have just had some more blood tests done and the reading is still high. All I remember my doctor saying this time is that a normal reading would be 60 and mine is 80. Now I have to have more blood tests and also a liver ultrasound scan which has made me into a useless, worrying, panic attack on legs!
Has anyone had any similar results or had to have a scan in the same scenario? My doctor does his best to reassure me not to worry too much but I know he will say this because he knows what a state I will end up putting myself in. I'm really scared of what it might be :(
Thanks for reading through all of that!

24-04-07, 16:21
Hello Ben !
Its always worrying when your Doc sends you for tests - I know it always makes me think somehting is seriously wrong. The reality is that there are always umpteen innocent reasons why you get these readings - and your Doc is checking all bases. This is great news for you as it will put your mind at rest on this issue. The scan and blood tests are painless - its just our anticipatory worry about them that makes it a nightmare ! If your Doc had any major concerns you would be in hospital right now !
I always write things down when I see my GP - there's no way you can remember anything if you panic. So take some deep breaths ... have the tests ... and try not to worry about the endless what ifs. We all do it - worry about things that never happen.
Crank up the relaxation tapes and
be kind to yourself

24-04-07, 17:48
Thanks for that neptuno, you sound like me when I'm talking to someone else :) Isn't it strange how you can be so rational when it doesn't actually apply to you. It makes me feel a bit calmer to have someone say it though so thank you :)

Kate C
24-04-07, 19:10
Hi Ben,

Thank you for your considerate response. To try and offer you some support, a friend of mine was in a similar situation to yourself but his GP couldn't find any organic reason for the elevation in the result, despite numerous tests. You say you will be getting an ultra sound scan - that should show how your gall bladder is functioning as well. It's just possible that could be the source of the problem - ie a simple gallstone - if it is then it's quite simple to fix. Before you say, gallstones aren't always painful! Probs with the gall bladder can impact on liver function tests and pancreas tests as well. So the cause is not always sinister.

Like you, I too am very rational when speaking to other people!!! I need a taste of my own medicine.

Take good care and keep us updated.



24-04-07, 22:29
Call the doc and ask what was raised and why they are testing it then we may be offer some more advice.

I am sure it will be fine though.

27-04-07, 19:32
I decided not to call the doctor (again) as the receptionists are less than understanding with such queries. I know that the blood tests are now also looking for viruses etc as well as repeating the LFTs. I guess it can't be that bad though, like neptuno said, I would be in hospital by now if it was (I hope).

01-05-07, 18:10
I got the first set of blood test results back today. My liver function is now normal and improving, PHEW!!!

01-05-07, 18:22
Docs can be a nightmare mate.

I wen't to have my thyroid tested to rule it out because of panic attacks.

Thyroid is fine, but as the doc was looking down the screen, one result flashed high.

When I calmly asked (WTF is that? JEEEEEZZZZZZEE man how long have I got? I was going out on Friday) he explained that this result mean't I could get dementia when older.

Me, being one of the coolest laid back guys there is, got home and freaked bigtime. I wen't back a few days later, only to be informed that my result was only 0.1% over the threshold, so should not be taken as a risk.

I am not knocking GP's some are great :) but the couple I have seen recently must have went to the "Attila the Hun" school of bedside manners.



Kate C
01-05-07, 20:26

Great news! Was wondering how you are. You must be feeling relieved.

