View Full Version : Radiation in dentist

17-03-17, 10:28
Hi guys,
Just wondering if you give me sow advice and help.
Yesterday I visited a dental surgery regarding braces, I needed to have a x ray done to see what treatment was best. No here's the problem, as I was having the x ray that rotated around my head, the machine bumped into my shoulder. Since yesterday I've been paranoid and obsessing that I've been exposed to radiation now.
It's got me really on edge and have showered loads since and been pretty upset. Can anyone help?? Thanks!

17-03-17, 10:38
Hi Chris,

You really don't need to worry about a dental x-ray, the reason why they sit behind the shields is because they have to do it every single day, and repeated exposure 'could' have a negative effect on them.

I've included a great chart that shows you how small a dose that you actually received and why it's nothing to worry about, I hope this helps.

update, I can't post the link, but please google for...

'xkcd radiation' and it should be the top link.

17-03-17, 10:50
Radiation with modern X-rays is super low, so low in fact, that pregnant women can now have CT scans. No need to worry

17-03-17, 11:14
The radiation x rats expose you to are very low like ben said even pregnant women can have CT scans now, try and relax, its not dangerous :)

17-03-17, 12:32
Thanks, all the information is a big help! You know how these things happen, your mind gets a idea and just runs with it.

17-03-17, 18:02
I worried about this once, and read that dental x-rays expose you to about as much radiation as taking an airplane ride, so totally safe in the small doses we get having occasional x-rays.

17-08-21, 17:27
I had a number of dental xrays over the years, when I needed removeable braces I had those metal xray plates in my mouth I had about 6 or 7, some I had the lead apron on and some I did not