View Full Version : Finding it hard to deal with this!

17-03-17, 11:39
Been quite some time since I last posted, my anxiety and everything has just been under control, no problems at all. Faced the panic head on and beaten it.

However I cannot get rid of the palpitations, its been two weeks solid, every day, about 6-10 a minute. Sometimes these subside, other times they just will not leave me alone. I am so scared and they feel different to what they have done in the past. I just don't think I can face going to the doctor again for him to tell me it's all ok. I feel something is wrong and this is not just another anxiety or stress symptom.

I even had a dream last night I was having palpitations, work up and I was having them, was then awake from 5am onwards as nothing would stop them. They go from being little in the morning, to full blown by lunch. Literally feel them in my chest non-stop, my heart just keeps skipping beats and thudding so hard. What do I do?

18-03-17, 12:33
A lot of us are asking that same question, what do we do?

I'm going through the worst period of PVCs I've ever had right now. The last five weeks have been a barrage of the things.

Some report success with magnesium supplements, since people are often deficient. I'm trying that right now and I've not noticed anything so far but it's been said it can take a while to have an effect.

Many people find Dr. Claire Weekes books and tapes on stress and anxiety helpful, here's a link: http://www.junior-anxiety-depression-exchange.org.uk/relax.html to some of her recordings.

Also, quite a few find this cardiologist's videos helpful in coping with them, here's a link: https://www.youtube.com/user/YorkCardiology/videos He's very cheerful and positive and addresses our concerns much better than any medical professional I've seen before.

One interesting thing this cardiologist said was that he sometimes gives patients beta-blockers for a few weeks to slow and calm the heart and that can solve their problem. That's got me wondering if being able to calm ourselves and our hearts for a few weeks naturally might have a similar effect, say through meditation. Or to just try beta-blockers. :)

The simple truth is the heart is irritated and twitchy in the same way as the stomach gets irritated and twitchy in irritable bowel syndrome or even your eyelids or other muscles can be if you're tired.

I hope something in these links helps you a bit. They've certainly helped me.