View Full Version : ENT worry (C word)

17-03-17, 15:39
Hey guys/girls, 28 year olds

I have had to sign up to this website as i am in a so much worry that it's starting to take over my life. I started to notice a tickle in the back of my throat around December which didn't really bother me and i thought it would go away but it's still here today, in jan/feb i was completely fine and it didn't really get to me but after going to the doctors and him checking the back of my throat and doing a swab, also checking my nodes he said that i am completely fine and let's wait for the swab test to come back as. He rang me on the 10th saying that it has come back negative and should he call me in 2 weeks to see if it's still there and if it is he will refer me to a ENT specialist, i said that i suffer from really bad health anxiety and the two weeks wait will really get to me, so he has referred me, i asked if he doesn't think it's anything bad and he reply was "i think it's a complete waste of time and wasted money on the NHS".

After that day i have been worried sick that i have cancer, throat cancer or barrett's esophagus cancer or even lymphoma because everything has come back negative so what can be causing it? I then got a sore throat on the Saturday and eye pain which is still here today, also a stiff neck which when i move left and right it feels i can feel my lymph nodes in my neck, pressure headaches, ear pain (do have wax in both) kinda been losing a little weight, sweating a little in bed. All these symptoms when i have search google are linked to cancer (I know how bad googling is but sometimes it's so hard when worrying not to look) Feels like when i swallow it only goes down my left side, or i can feel it go down my left side, which i don't know if it's my anxiety making me feel this way. I use to smoke weed maybe a joint a day for about 4 years but have stopped that about two weeks ago and was drinking quite heavy also which i suffered from bad heartburn during the week.

I don't even want to go out and socialise with friends, i just feel like i am waiting for this ENT to tell me i have something serious and it's really effecting my life, i have a girlfriend which i kinda don't want to see some days because i just feel down and can't even think straight because the back of my mind is in constant worry that i'm dying because of all these symptoms. It's funny because before the ENT i did have a slight worry but i still didn't feel like i was today and was completely normal with just that tickle cough and now i feel like the world is falling apart around me and i have a constant kinda pressure eye headache which i have had since Sunday.

Just wondering if all these symptoms are me actually under mega stress about this worry and not actually cancer because when one symptom goes away another starts which just keeps me in constant fear? It's just waiting for this ENT guy to check me cause i know once if gives me the all clear i can start living my life again, but at the moment i just don't feel like doing anything and haven't been myself for so long now.

I'm sorry for the long message but i have been stuck in my room for days just worrying so bad that i'm dying and my family always say i'm fine but i don't believe them and they don't suffer from my health anxiety :(



17-03-17, 15:45
Hi Chris,

I'm a Stage IVa Head and Neck cancer survivor. If you have medical professionals telling you it's a waste of time and resources to refer you, that should speak volumes to the fact that all is well. This is basically an expensive form or reassurance.

Nothing at all you described is suggestive of cancer.

Positive thoughts

17-03-17, 16:01
thankyou so much for your reply, i know that it's all in my head and i have been to the doctors once again for them to check my lymph nodes which he didn't actually say were bad or not but i'm guessing he would of said as i kept asking is everything alright?

It's just yesterday i found 3 little pea size balls on my left side adams apple if you were looking at me which has no worried me again, but i know i keep prodding them and playing with them a little and everyday looking myself, i dunno why because i ain't a doctor so i have no clue what is normal and what is not