View Full Version : Abnormal results

17-03-17, 15:45
Hi guys just trying to calm down from my meltdown this morning when I saw my abnormal results. Please give any advice if you've had similar results cause I'm freaking out. I had an abnormal pap with high risk hpv in 2015.. then a colposcopy which was clear a couple of months later. Last year normal pap still had the high risk hpv. And now I have yet again an abnormal pap but with new terms (lsil and asc-h) with a positive hpv yet again. Doctor is having the ob set up an appointment but in the meantime I'm totally scared that I have something aggressive and it's going to turn into cancer. Has anyone had this? I'm 32 and healthy btw

17-03-17, 18:06
I have had two abnormal smears two years in a row both hpv positive. Both showed mild changes. I've had friends who had high risk changes and were given the treatment to remove the cells and are now on normal results. I have to have yearly smears to keep an eye on cell changes so definitely know how you feel. The lady that did my second colposcopy explained to me that women who go to their checkups wheh they're told and keep up with appointments will pretty much never develop anything sinister - it's the whole point of why they do it (I was in a right state thinking I had something aggressive too). If there's anything concerning in the cell change they'll remove the cells to prevent development, and apparently it takes years and years to do so.

I can't say I'm not worried for my next appointment, I am, but feel better knowing it's in hand and can be dealt with if need be. Well done for going for your checkups, a lot of women don't because they're fearful of the results. In fact well done us! It is scary but it'll all be OK, they'll keep you right :) X