View Full Version : Need help.

17-03-17, 16:42
(Sorry for the double posting/deleting. Still getting a hang of this)
Hi there
It's my first time here. I've only instead registered and my anxiety is currently through the roof.
It all started three weeks ago wit has an unknown allergic reaction. Hives, swelling, the whole package. Took two trips to the er and one more at the doctor for them to find the right amount of meds to calm it down. I'm pretty sure that's what set off that bout of anxiety.
The next week, I had blood in my nose and in my throat. I am a smoker and since this occurs I can't sale the fear of lung cancer out of me. I've seen two more doctors, been to the er, my lungs and heart were checked (the doc listened to my lungs) and all is clear. I've been smoke free since last Sunday and have been diagnosed with generalised anxiety disorder and given medicine for this condition.
Nothing seems to work. I can't help but thing that something have been missed, that I'm only going to get worse. I've done a lot of research on the Internet and even though I'd only been smoking since age 15, I've been raised by a smoking mom, who smoked throughout her pregnancy as well.
I can't help feeling this aching pain in my ribs. I cannot rationalise. I am a masters student and this now has taken a toll on my studying. I had second and third opinions but absolutely no chest x ray as I have been told it would only feed my anxiety.
I was completely fine 3 weeks ago and now, I'm terrified night and day.
I don't know what to do. I'll take any advice.
Cheers to whoever takes the time to read this probably very incoherent message.

17-03-17, 16:46
I have been the same mate, i have had a bad tickle through for few months and i was living with it and living my normal life. But after going to the doctors and them saying everything seems fine and nothing has been found, but they are referring me to a specialist after that i am now worried with fear and feel not myself.

I think it's the anxiety just looking for symptoms and every pain or little thing you can't help to think it's something bad. Like i am waiting now for the specialist to get back to me but i know that's going to be 1-2 weeks away and all what's going through my mind is now that he's going to find something bad and now i just feel like shit and worried sick but a couple weeks ago i was completely fine living my life not even caring and smoking my weed. Now i have completely stopped and i don't even want to go out for a beer with friends because i think i have cancer and already dying even thou friends/family/doctors have said there's nothing to worry about

17-03-17, 20:54
It's the worst isn't it ? I feel like nothing would convince me that nothing is wrong with me. It's a vicious circle. The more I look for info, the more I panick, and the more I feel the symptoms. All these stories online about doctors missing something drive me crazy. Like, what if I'm the next exception to the rule ? It just never stops.
What specialist are they sending you to ? If they think there's nothing wrong, that sounds odd.
Good luck to you anyways !

17-03-17, 21:31
Hi Gaby,

I totally understand you. Health anxiety is a nightmare. This last week or so I've been going to bed anxious and difficulty going to sleep and I'll wake up depressed by my fears. Its so hard to focus on anything else. I'm having difficulty studying to, when I should be writing essays I'm on google or pacing from anxiety. I hate this but nice to know someone feels the same x

17-03-17, 21:35
Hey hen
Thought maybe we should chat seeing it seems we have a lot in common.
I know studying is the last thing on my mind rn and I get so angry with myself. I can't shake the feeling that something has been missed off my mind. It just doesn't go away and I just wish they did more tests.
Right now I'm looking through every study I can find about second hand smoke and stories of very young people with lung cancer. It makes me feel so guilty too. I just don't know how to get out of this loop.

17-03-17, 21:41
Hey hen
Thought maybe we should chat seeing it seems we have a lot in common.
I know studying is the last thing on my mind rn and I get so angry with myself. I can't shake the feeling that something has been missed off my mind. It just doesn't go away and I just wish they did more tests.
Right now I'm looking through every study I can find about second hand smoke and stories of very young people with lung cancer. It makes me feel so guilty too. I just don't know how to get out of this loop.

I know. I will sometimes stop writing an essay and just turn to google looking up young people having the big C, heart problems etc. and it makes everything 100% worse. Wish I could just say stop and that be it but I can't. Even now I am so tempted to google symptoms! I'm worried this is going to effect my studies as I delay work so much and make less of an effort believing my health worries are more important. Just Don't know what to do x

17-03-17, 21:44
It's spooky I have the exact same issues at the moment. I just wish someone could give us advice. The only good thing to come out of it is that I have stopped smoking. Just hoping it wasn't too late.
I just would like to have some tools to get out of this vicious circle....

17-03-17, 21:51
It's spooky I have the exact same issues at the moment. I just wish someone could give us advice. The only good thing to come out of it is that I have stopped smoking. Just hoping it wasn't too late.
I just would like to have some tools to get out of this vicious circle....

I know it really is a never ending cycle! I feel like we do need advice on how to cope with this. I'm starting to think I need some kind of therapy or something because I don't know how else to stop...

17-03-17, 21:55
How long has it been going on for you ?
For me it all started after the allergy which was hard to treat a couple of weeks ago.
I am also wondering if I shouldn't seek professional help. The cost is keeping me off though.
I'm so sorry I can't help :( it's good to talk to see money who gets it though x

17-03-17, 22:02
How long has it been going on for you ?
For me it all started after the allergy which was hard to treat a couple of weeks ago.
I am also wondering if I shouldn't seek professional help. The cost is keeping me off though.
I'm so sorry I can't help :( it's good to talk to see money who gets it though x

The first time I really experienced health anxiety was when was 14, and convinced myself I had the big C, but in those days I didn't have a lot of internet access so I didn't google and I got over It. When I was 17 I had health anxiety again when I started having bowel problems and I also noticed I could see my heart beating in my chest and stomach. I'm 20 now and still worry about both of these from time to time and lately its just been much worse in the last couple of weeks leading me to realise how bad my health anxiety is.
I'm actually quite anxious to get help haha! But living in the UK if I wanted therapy it may be available for free but I'm not sure :(

17-03-17, 22:06
Yeah I lived in the UK until last year and I'm thinking maybe you could get counselling through uni ?
I've had anxiety since age 9. Twice I tried counselling, went once, and never followed through. Maybe it's time I actually some deeper work on this cause I'm tired of it paralysing me every time it comes back.
Go check at your uni/college if they have a mental health service available ?

17-03-17, 22:14
Yeah I lived in the UK until last year and I'm thinking maybe you could get counselling through uni ?
I've had anxiety since age 9. Twice I tried counselling, went once, and never followed through. Maybe it's time I actually some deeper work on this cause I'm tired of it paralysing me every time it comes back.
Go check at your uni/college if they have a mental health service available ?

That's a good idea actually. My uni may offer this now that I think about it. I never thought I needed counselling, but lately I've noticed how much its taking over my life and i'd prefer not to keep living like this. I understand how it paralyses you!

17-03-17, 23:59
(Sorry for the double posting/deleting. Still getting a hang of this)
Hi there
It's my first time here. I've only instead registered and my anxiety is currently through the roof.
It all started three weeks ago wit has an unknown allergic reaction. Hives, swelling, the whole package. Took two trips to the er and one more at the doctor for them to find the right amount of meds to calm it down. I'm pretty sure that's what set off that bout of anxiety.
The next week, I had blood in my nose and in my throat. I am a smoker and since this occurs I can't sale the fear of lung cancer out of me. I've seen two more doctors, been to the er, my lungs and heart were checked (the doc listened to my lungs) and all is clear. I've been smoke free since last Sunday and have been diagnosed with generalised anxiety disorder and given medicine for this condition.
Nothing seems to work. I can't help but thing that something have been missed, that I'm only going to get worse. I've done a lot of research on the Internet and even though I'd only been smoking since age 15, I've been raised by a smoking mom, who smoked throughout her pregnancy as well.
I can't help feeling this aching pain in my ribs. I cannot rationalise. I am a masters student and this now has taken a toll on my studying. I had second and third opinions but absolutely no chest x ray as I have been told it would only feed my anxiety.
I was completely fine 3 weeks ago and now, I'm terrified night and day.
I don't know what to do. I'll take any advice.
Cheers to whoever takes the time to read this probably very incoherent message.

It sounds like you are spiraling.
Have you considered seeing a doctor about your anxiety?
Perhaps medication would help.

Best wishes.

18-03-17, 10:08
Thank you for your answer. I have been given medications but unfortunately those don't seem to help. I've read that children of smokers are more likely to develop lung cancer in their adult life, and with me being a (now ex smoker), I simply can't help but think "what if I am the one in a million?" Young people do get that disease and I have put myself at risk for so long. I'm desperate. It is poisoning my life and the ones of people around me and the guilt is real.
Thank you for taking the time to write to me.

---------- Post added at 11:08 ---------- Previous post was at 09:11 ----------

Ps: the doctor at the er said he didn't need to do a chest x ray as my lungs sounded clear. Is it enough to rule out an underlying condition, considering the second hand smoke and my own smoking history ? Sorry to insist but I just don't know what to do.