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17-03-17, 16:49
Around a month ago, I had a panic attack - only third one I've ever had.
I put it down to the fact I was due to have an operation and was extremely scared about it.
Fast forward and I had the operation last week, which went fine.
I've had to spend the week inside because of it and went out for the first time on Wednesday, and felt really weird and anxious.
Went out earlier and had this feeling that I couldn't catch my breath - was horrible.
There was no rhyme or reason behind it, which is the frustrating thing.
I have controllable asthma and have only ever suffered one attack, three years ago.
I'm due to go out soon, driving to my parents-in-law, and terrified I'm going to start concentrating on my breathing again, even though I know there's nothing wrong with my asthma.
It's so frustrating.

20-03-17, 20:15
Oh my, that's just the worst! I know exactly how you're feeling. As soon as I start to concentrate on my breathing, it snowballs. "Am I getting enough oxygen?" "Am I breathing too hard?" I can certainly sympathize. Something that helped me was purchasing a pulse oximeter. If I'm having issues, I check it. It shows I'm getting enough oxygen, and I calm right down.

I hope you find some relief soon. Maybe try practicing short outings until it becomes easier?

21-03-17, 16:09
Hi - what do you mean by "short outings"?