View Full Version : prickly burning skin

17-03-17, 18:17

just an update on my prickly skin problem. Been to dr for second time. Said that its all down to the menopause and anxiety that the menopause cuases this problem. it also causes the anxiety aswell he said its Definitely not ms Sooo releaved. Just have to put up with it. Given me some amitriptyline to help me sleep at night.


10-04-17, 05:49

me again really down at the moment I still have this symptom some days worse than others. My skin still feels prickly sore like I'm wearing fibreglass. Some time it can also feel tingly. I have had this symptom for about two months been drs twice. I believe dr when I come out and feel relieved then the dreaded health anxiety kicks in and all hell breaks loose. Last night I was to afraid to fall asleep incase I woke up in the morning and could not walk. Or move my arms I really am so scared did not sleep a wink. Even after taking my tablet. Its hard not to think about as it is so uncomfortable. I am not convinced its ms as its been going on so long. Trouble is I worked as a care assistant for 3.5 years and nursed people with that and other awful things so have imagined myself in their situation. I have left the job about one 2 months ago could not sleep with all the things I had seen throughout the day. I also feel so sick. when I do try and fall asleep I twitch, feel like my throat is closing and get a wavy sick feeling that comes from my stomack up to my throat. I feel so lonely in all this my husband says try and forget about it easier said than done.


10-04-17, 06:36
Sorry to hear your going through this.I felt some of these symptoms you have, I couldn't sleep too when my heatlh anxiety was high. But in doing ok right now.

10-04-17, 17:32

thanks for your reply. I think ive got to accept that it is anxiety and then the symptoms will get better. Trouble it is a vicious circle I hate having health anxiety the doctor tells you one thing and your brain tells you another.

Thanks again


11-04-17, 13:05
Hi Lorraine

I don't have health anxiety but I get the prickly burning skin.

Treat as you would a panic attack and try just to observe it dispassionately. It won't go away overnight, but to accept it you have yo ride it a d not be so impressed by it.


13-04-17, 02:48
Hate this symptom.