View Full Version : Anaphylaxis fear

17-03-17, 21:40
I have an extreme fear of anaphylaxis after having a mild allergic reaction in the hospital before (high heart rate, rash, and SOB). Today, I got an antibiotic that I've never taken before, so I'm thinking that I'll take it in the ER parking lot and have someone with me to take me inside if I have a reaction.

Give it to me straight, is that ridiculous? I got some scary news at the heart doctor today, and then I had to get an antibiotic at another doctor for my sickness, so I'm really not in the best place today. I'll get there eventually, but probably after I learn to accept what I heard today.

17-03-17, 21:51
Hi marbles, did you have your previous reaction after taking antibiotics?

17-03-17, 21:52
It was a painkiller in the ER. I had been diagnosed with a kidney infection, so they gave me the IV painkiller and then I had the reaction.

Ever since that happened, I've developed a fear of meds.

17-03-17, 22:09
I can understand your fear. I have had anaphylaxis from medication, antibiotics. However I had a previous milder reaction to them for which I was treated, but my gp did not tell me to avoid them and I was later prescribed them by another gp. Is your prescribed fully aware of your previous reaction. I always check with the Dr that any meds I am given do not contain penicillin and I also check with the dispensing pharmacist. Maybe checking with the pharmacist will ease your fear,when you find out the meds do not contain the ingredient to which you are allergic. Best wishes.

17-03-17, 22:15
What drug is it?

Positive thoughts

17-03-17, 22:19
The doctor knew what I had an allergic reaction to before she prescribed it, so I really doubt that it is in the antibiotic. I'll take comfort in that. I'll definitely talk to the pharmacist when I pick it up. Hopefully they don't get irritated with my questions lol.

---------- Post added at 22:19 ---------- Previous post was at 22:18 ----------


17-03-17, 22:28
Could you phone your Dr and ask to be informed exactly what you had a reaction to. You need to know, if you ever need hospital treatment you will be asked if you have any allergies.
No Dr or pharmacist should be irritated by your question, its part of their job.

17-03-17, 22:33
Oh yeah, I know what I had the allergic reaction to. I'm going to ask the pharmacist if they are related in any way. I don't want to list the medicine that I'm allergic to because it's very commonly used for pain, and I don't want to trigger anyone on here. I can pm you if you'd like to know though.

17-03-17, 22:44
Oh no, that's ok, as long as you and your Dr are clear about what you reacted to. The information you get from checking with the pharmacist should help ease your anxiety.
Btw, do you wear a medic alert or something similar? I Decided to wear a bracelet with the allergy info on in case I have an accident and get drug treatment before I am able to inform Drs of the allergy myself. Just a thought! Best wishes.

17-03-17, 22:50
I don't have one of those but I need to get one since that med seems to be the "go to" pain med. Thanks for your kind words!

Clydesdale Epona
17-03-17, 23:48
When someone i knew was prescribed birth control they took it just before a hospital appointment so if they had a reaction they were within it, if it means you'll take it then i don't see any harm x

All the best :hugs:

17-03-17, 23:53
I have a child with anaphylaxis in my class. You would be in no doubt if you truly had anaphylaxis. There is a difference between having a reaction and being allergic to a medication.

18-03-17, 00:15
I have a child with anaphylaxis in my class. You would be in no doubt if you truly had anaphylaxis. There is a difference between having a reaction and being allergic to a medication.

I wasn't questioning if I had anaphylaxis, I was questioning if it's ridiculous or not for me to take a new med in the ER parking lot. I was in the hospital when I had my allergic reaction, and the nurse quickly gave me meds to counteract the allergy. It makes me feel better knowing that I'll be right there just in case. I am allergic to the medicine. The doctor and nurse told me to never ever take it ever again, it was listed in my file as an allergy, and when I had my last baby they made sure I didn't receive it as pain relief. Now, I'm in a new state with new doctors and I'm worried.

18-03-17, 00:20

I wasn't questioning if I had anaphylaxis, I was questioning if it's ridiculous or not for me to take a new med in the ER parking lot.

Augmentin/amoxicillin is one, if not "the" the most commonly prescribed antibiotics. So yes, to be that scared to sit in the ER parking lot is totally irrational.

Positive thoughts