View Full Version : Ongoing chest and back pain!

18-03-17, 01:54
Hi. I'm a 22 year old white male, relatively healthy. For about a week I've been experiencing stabbing chest pains in the side. It will only be on one side and last about 30 seconds. They occur throughout the day. Sometimes I'll have dull pain in the chest.

Also, my back hurts a lot. I can't even describe if it's dull or sharp, it varies I suppose. Usually it's upper back, but sometimes I'll feel pain lower down.

I had a pretty bad cough about 2 and a half weeks ago. It was somewhat productive. It's mostly gone aside from a cough here and there.

Today I felt short of breath. My heart was beating pretty quick but I was walking around NYC with a suitcase so maybe that's normal. I have slight anxiety so that could have contributed.

There's no pain from deep breaths nor from laying down. I rode my exercise bike for about 45 minutes yesterday and felt pretty good.

I've had lots of leg pain within the past months as well. My right calf, back of knee, thigh, etc. In fact right now I'm getting a sharp pain in the left side of my right calf and its concerning me greatly.

I'm so terrified of pulmonary embolism. I've had my heart checked and it's all good. What could this consistent pain be?

bin tenn
18-03-17, 04:14
Coughing for an extended period of time sometimes leads to a sore/pulled muscle, and muscles are connected in various ways (including chest to back), hence the chest and back pain recently, IMO.

18-03-17, 16:47
The way the pains come and go make me concerned. If I irritated some muscles why would the pain come out of nowhere?

17-07-17, 11:47
Did you ever find out what it was? This sounds exactly like me at the moment...