View Full Version : Tests - Help!!!

Kate C
24-04-07, 18:30
Hi there,

Have been trying to keep a lid on this for just over a week now but have had to have blood tests done for work to test for Hep B, Hep C and HIV. I am trying to keep rational but am dreading a phone call that gives me bad news!!!

As is so often the case with anxiety I am looking at the worst case scenario. I am in a very happy monogamous relationship and have been for 11 years, prior to that I was on my own for 3 years. The only nagging doubt I have is my ex-partner of some 14 years ago now - he wasn't the most reliable shall we say!!! I'm in fantastic health, never ill so that should tell me something but the anxiety voice says different. As I work in health care the Occupational Health department have said they'll only contact me if they need to - so I don't actually have a day to go and get results, awful or what???!!!

Would someone like to talk sense into me - PLEASE!!


24-04-07, 18:53
Hi Kate,
I know exactly how you must be feeling. I recently had an abnormal result in a blood test and now I'm being tested for Hep A,B and C among other things. There's absolutly no way I could have any of them yet I am worrying about it anyway. I think though you would know by now if you had something like this for the last 14 years. I know how dreadful it feels having to wait but you are entitled to know the results of those tests if you really want the peace of mind. Try not to worry as the tests are given to everyone in the same situation, not because you are showing signs of illness. Also if the tests were a week ago you would have heard straight away if anything serious had shown up.
I hope that might help a bit :)

Kate C
24-04-07, 19:05
Hi Ben,

Thank you for your considerate response. To try and offer you some support, a friend of mine was in a similar situation to yourself but his GP couldn't find any organic reason for the elevation in the result, despite numerous tests. You say you will be getting an ultra sound scan - that should show how your gall bladder is functioning as well. It's just possible that could be the source of the problem - ie a simple gallstone - if it is then it's quite simple to fix. Before you say, gallstones aren't always painful! Probs with the gall bladder can impact on liver function tests and pancreas tests as well. So the cause is not always sinister.

Like you, I too am very rational when speaking to other people!!! I need a taste of my own medicine.

Take good care and keep us updated.


24-04-07, 22:31
14 years - well I would say you are in the clear then!

Why are they doing the tests?

Kate C
24-04-07, 23:11

We all have to be screened, it's policy for newcomers. I know - 14 years and still alive, a medical phenomenon. :winks:

This is the thing, one minute I can laugh at my being so daft and the next - dark cloud of anxiety. Never even gave those conditions a second thought until now. Need to take a wise up tablet!
