View Full Version : Do I have an increase cancer risk?

18-03-17, 05:07
I'm a 22 year old male. I used to be 315 lbs and ate a lot of junk food and candy for years before I lost 90 lbs 2 years ago. I used to smoke a pack of cigarettes every month and smoke weed everyday for 2 years.(I quit smoking all together 6 months ago)Last I also have had exposure to high radiation. I've had 3 abdominal x rays and 1 abdominal CT scan. I'm very scared I've increased my cancer risk for mostly leukemia and other cancers from the uneccesarry radiation, eating bad, and the benzene chemical from smoking. I have a fear of cancer and have developed carcinogen phobia. I'm wondering if anyone knows if I should be concerned and worried that I've increased my risk? I have read that from just act scans I have a 1 in 500 chance of developing a fatal cancer? Is that true? I worried that having those high amounts of radiation while smoking when I got the scans done will come and bite me in the butt in a couple years. I'm highly concerned that I have screwed myself.

18-03-17, 05:54
Hi there you shouldn't worry you are only 22. When I had IBS issues I had I think 3 CT scans and a CT scan of my neck once. I wondered the same things like you are now but from what I've read The radiation from those scans is low risk almost undetectable. As for the smoking you haven't been smoking for very long. I'd just
stay away from the cigarettes they are just a waste of money with a health risk long term.

18-03-17, 11:47
I am no expert or doctor but I have not heard about people getting cancer at such young age due to smoking or obesity. Still; there are other non-cancerous conditions too look out for when you are young and not living healthy. I dont think you can get a ilness caused by smoking that young but obesity can cause things for people at all ages; and while you are young now; you do age all the time and the risk of something nasty in the future is increasing year by year if you continue the same inhealthy lifestyle. You should do something about the overweigh problemt to improve your health and decrease the risk of something bad in the furure. You said you stopped smoking - good. Stay with that and you will not develop any ilness or cancer caused by smoking. The best of luck to you.

18-03-17, 16:52
I'm healthy now and not over weight now.... that's why I said I lost 90 lbs. I'm more concerned over the ct scans mixed with the bad smoking habit and getting cancer from that. I've read I got a 1 in 500 chance of getting a fatal cancer and wondering if that's true or those studies are true. Im afraid I've screwed myself big time for being so unhealthy.

18-03-17, 17:10
OK, I read to fast. You lost weight, you dont smoke. You have very little to worry about. You`ll be fine. The last thing anyone your age should worry about is cancer.

18-03-17, 17:14
Since you quit at such a young age, I would expect your cancer risk would eventually go down to the same risk as people who have never smoked.
I, on the other hand, smoked for fifteen years, and even though I quit years ago, i expect I will always have an increased cancer risk because of it.
Congratulations on the positive changes you've made.
I will echo the above poster in saying that I believe you have very little to worry about. :)


I have read that from just act scans I have a 1 in 500 chance of developing a fatal cancer?

We ALL have a one in three chance of developing a fatal cancer, as one in three people die of cancer.
I do not believe it is possible for them to tell whether the cancer is attributable to an "act scan" (whatever that is). How would they know that?
Quit worrying.

Best wishes.

18-03-17, 17:32
Quitting smoking has definitely decreased your risk. It can't decrease your risk to that of a non smoker but at such a young age it will be a significant thing.

Even stopping smoking whilst having cancer improves things. As you step over certain age barriers the reduction in risk becomes less but this is for people much older than you and at their ages their cancer risk is increasing due to age only.

Well done for losing the weight! That's a massive achievement.

18-03-17, 17:42
OK... reality check....

I was a smoker. I had Head and Neck cancer. I had 30 radiation treatments, 5 per week for 6 weeks. Enough radiation to roast the inside and outside of my neck and throat. AND... I had 30 CAT scans. The did a CT to help aim the radiation before each treatment.

Let's also look at the CAT scans prior and after, the PET scans (several) and x-rays (more than I can count) and I think you should be getting the picture. In fact, I'm due for a CT scan of my chest in the next couple of weeks.

I'm not concerned in the least. If I'm not concerned based on my radiation exposure, you should be totally worry free!

Good going on taking positive steps to improve your physical health :yesyes: Don't allow your mental health to take away from the joys and accomplishments.

Positive thoughts

18-03-17, 19:40
Smoking, eating unhealthy, exposure to radiation - all these things can potentially, slightly increase your risks for cancer way, way down the line - not in the immediate future. But, most studies I've seen show that changing your lifestyle at a young age can reverse almost all the negative effects of both smoking and unhealthy eating over time. For example, people with type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and other metabolic disorders caused by unhealthy eating can completely reverse all of those diseases by changing their diet. Many studies have been done on people who quit smoking, and after a certain number of years you can't even tell the difference between the lungs of a former smoker and a nonsmoker. You're only 22, so changing your life now absolutely gives you enough time to reverse any negative effects your previous poor health choice may have had.

18-03-17, 19:43
Hi Ryan,

You've turned round your health so your life expectancy has been going up. For most of us, death is getting closer, but you are the exception - death is moving away from you!

18-03-17, 19:48
Hi Ryan,

You've turned round your health so your life expectancy has been going up. For most of us, death is getting closer, but you are the exception - death is moving away from you!

Very well-said! I agree with this assessment.