View Full Version : derealization and constant breathlessness

18-03-17, 09:34
I am starting citalopram today as I have reached a horrible point where I have no option

I have had near constant derealisation, where I am lying on my bed but nothing feels real and I feel like my body is just going to drift away, is this what I am experiencing ? it comes and goes but it has been more constant and its horrible

also for over a week now I feel constantly breathless, I have posted about that before but really I just want to hear some good stories of people who felt the same and that it went away

was at docs and lungs and oxygen are fine, its really horrible, these symptoms are just nothing like I have ever had before

hopefully citalopram will help

18-03-17, 10:02
I am in a similar situation. I think I have derealization and also anhedonia (inabilty to feel pleasure)
I used to love videogames and now I can't play more than 10 minutes and it doesn't feel good...
I think mine's because of the medications I take (Mirtazapine, Olanapine and Diazepam) once I quit those meds I hope to be able to feel normal again

18-03-17, 10:11
how long have you been taking them ? I would have hoped that meds would take this away, this isn't something ill have for life is it ? what about being breathless ?

18-03-17, 10:23
how long have you been taking them ? I would have hoped that meds would take this away, this isn't something ill have for life is it ? what about being breathless ?

Been taking the meds for 9 months now.
It won't be for life I'm sure! Yes I've been breathless too but not frequently.
Things get better , my psychiatrist said she never had a patient that did not recover, but it takes a lot of time. Seek professional help, take meds if you need and trust me it will get better. My biggest problem now is anxiety, because I fear I might have ALS (a deadly disease).
If it wasn't for anxiety I think everything would be better now.
Trust me, it does get better, I have better days that give me hope sometimes and I know it won't last for life. How old are you by the way?

18-03-17, 10:27
I hope you do get better, it scares me that you have been on meds for 9 months but are still in a bad place sometimes

18-03-17, 15:24
nobody else had this on here I take it ?