View Full Version : Is this rational? HA is destroying me!

18-03-17, 12:47
I had tests recently to check for breast cancer as I found a lump.

I had a mammogram and ultrasound.
The sonographer couldn't see any solid lumps in the area of concern only cysts.

I got a letter a few weeks later saying the mammogram looked OK.

That was it.

Would my consultant mention I had cancer when I next saw him if I had any concerning results?
Nothing was mentioned either way.
This is what HA does, I'm thinking how irrational is it to think a professional would cover up I have cancer to save my feelings as they know I'm very anxious!
Any advice please I've no one to turn to

18-03-17, 13:40
It sounds like you've answered your own question.
The "lump" was a harmless cyst, which is commonly the case.
That is what the tests showed. No further treatment is indicated.
If you need further explanation of this, however, your doctor should be happy to provide it.
Please contact your doctor and explain that you need more clarification.
Best wishes.

18-03-17, 13:51
No it is NOT rational for you to think medical professionals would lie or cover up a cancer.

Cysts are very common. I usually have cysts found on breast ultrasounds. There is no follow up for those at all.

When something is worrying on scans the doctors take notice and seemingly over react to it all. In October 2015 I had my annuals. Some things were found. I kept saying "aw probably just cysts". The US tech and radiologist were sure they were not. They looked different and had other markers saying something else. The something else--papillomas-- were benign. BUT they had to be biopsied because they can be cancer in a small % of cases. Then 6 month follow lead to anther biopsy. Then next 6 mnths follow up lead to breast specialist. I have another round of mammo with a new facility on Monday. Then see the breast doc in early Apriil.... My point IS look at all I am going through and my stuff has not turned out to be cancer, doctors are careful and don't cover up stuff.
You have a dx of cysts. No big deal. Nothing is being covered up.

18-03-17, 14:49
Your doctor would definitely not cover up results showing you have cancer. However, I think it would have been nice to get a call vs. just a letter. I don't think it would be irrational to give them a call and say you got the letter and just wanted to make sure there was no additional follow up necessary since the whole situation was stressful (rationally) for you.

18-03-17, 19:43
Thank you everyone, I appreciate it so much.

I think if the letter said only cysts were found I'd have felt better, but it just said mammogram looked like no cause for concern nothing about ultrasound results.

I don't know why I think like this, or feel that surge of panic and overthinking.

I'm not only destroying my happiness but my partners.

Sixpack thank you too, and I'm sorry you have to face all these tests all the time it must be exhausting! Xx

19-03-17, 00:15
My doctor told me if the radiologist saw something he suspected was cancer he would have immediately rang her. Further tests would have been ordered urgently. You have nothing to worry about.

21-03-17, 08:20
Thank you x

21-03-17, 11:32
Sixpack thank you too, and I'm sorry you have to face all these tests all the time it must be exhausting! Xx

Thank you. It is a pain in the butt for sure (or pain in boob ;) ). I had my mammo and US yesterday. The place was packed and it took 3 hrs to do it all. Afterward I ran and had a quick lunch then off to get my disabled daughter for a dental appointment then picked up another one of my kids from college. It was a busy day.

My scans came out as no change from October. The radiologist said my results were "probable benign findings". (I was pretty surprised at him saying that based on all of the questions the US tech was asking me. I figured this was going to be another drama filled appointment) He spoke to me about options. I told him that I see the breast specialist in a couple of weeks and would discuss all my boob stuff in depth then. His rec is an ultrasound in 6 months. No mammo so that is progress. :). I have a friend who has to be scanned every 3 months (3 month 'program') because she actually had stage 1 breast cancer about a year ago. She told me that she was a lil envious of my "6 month scan program" and wants to be me when she "grows up". :roflmao:

21-03-17, 17:29
Let me tell you from first hand experience that if they found anything even slightly suspicious they would tell you and get any test under the sun that needed doing.

My wife has stage 4 secondary breast cancer and when she was first diagnosed with primary they did just that. The consultant initially thought it was normal breast tissue but even after that she had a mammogram and an ultrasound which picked up the tumour. Then she had a biopsy then surgery and radiotherapy. Even when she got her secondary diagnosis 18 months later they were right on top of it and did even more tests.

They honestly wouldn't just not tell you if there was anything remotely suspicious. It's their job to be on the ball.

22-03-17, 10:12
I'm sorry to hear about your wife and what your going through.
Thank you for your reply it's very much appreciated considering you both are suffering much more than I am.xx

24-03-17, 09:04
A big part of Health Anxiety is not only worrying about having a disease (Mine is something being wrong with my heart) but also not being able to cope if the worse was to happen. For example I worry that I'll have a heart attack and no one will be able to save me.

Again from first hand experience with my wife it's not actually as bad mentally as you'd think. Yeah we shed tons of tears and the magnitude of what she is facing is really scary but after a bit you just get on with life. It is what it is.

It's completely normal to fear "worse case scenarios" but I guess my point is that even if these things ever happen (the chances of which are quite low, especially if the doctor has said you don't have anything to worry about) then it's not necessarily even going to be as bad as we imagine in our minds.

24-03-17, 21:46
Thank you that is so helpful especially as you are talking from your experience x

25-03-17, 13:49
You're more than welcome!

I hope I didn't come off as "we've got it worse" or anything like that because that wasn't my intention and I'm a firm believer that everyone's personal battles are as valid and serious as anyone elses. It doesn't matter what scares you, it's the fact that it triggers these intense emotions and anything in the world can do that.

25-03-17, 23:40
Not at all, but you did put it in perspective for me and that's what I needed!