View Full Version : HA Tailspin

18-03-17, 15:49
Half a month ago I started having problems seeing in the dark, which evolved into a blinking after image in the centre of my view 24/7 after obsessing over it. I couldn't look at people's faces.

I feared the worst, and went to the Optician's for an eye test and they said everything checked out fine - no swelling or signs of a Brain Tumour or anything amiss. So I put it down to stress.

A few days later I'm in the cinema and on edge because I am seeing a halo around white areas of the screen and I read that double vision was a symptom of a BT. As I sit like this, somebody in the cinema starts smoking something - and I am not aware that other people can smell it so believe I'm dying or having a stroke.

I get a headrush, and there's a very dull - not really painful - pang and I feel like I'm going to have a bowel movement and die right there.
This is my first ever "Panic Attack" but it didn't quite feel how I'd imagined a panic attack. No hyperventilating. My heart rate was increased but not pounding against my ribs. I did feel as though this was the end, though.

That evening I felt lightheaded, nauseous and like I wouldn't make it to the next morning - where I'd scheduled a Doctor's appointment.

He said it did sound like anxiety. He looked at my eye too, and said everything looked normal. I had another eye exam done the next day by the family optician - who said the same thing and said he really didn't recommend seeing a neurologist.

After this my vision got slightly better, but now I do have very slight double vision that's only noticeable with bright screens or with a bright object against a dark background/dark object against a bright background. This is 24/7 and seems to be worse when I am nervy - though I'm not entirely confident about that observation.

The other thing that's new is that after the incident in the cinema I was constantly on the alert for weird smells and have developed Phantosmia that will last for a whiff or several seconds. I can even get two different smells in a very short space of time and they're almost always cliche Phantom Smells or smells from my past - sometimes I recognise them other times I can't quite put my finger on what they are.

Another visit to a different Doc and he tells me to stop relying on Doctor Google, and he was so confident about my eyes since three professionals had examined them that he didn't check again. It is textbook anxiety. He did offer a full bloods test to put my mind at ease and I leapt on that - and it seems nothing is the matter in that department despite a slightly abnormal liver function that he will be following up in a matter of weeks.

What's really bugging me at the moment is that when I'm finally able to calm down something will come out of the woodwork and start tormenting me. The phantom smells have died down but I still get them randomly as well as strange tastes. A few times the smell will coincide with a headrush similar to the feeling in the cinema - and it will usually be a burning smell - and I'll rush to a mirror or take out my phone to make sure my face isn't drooping because I'm scared it's complex partial seizure. I've also developed a very slight tremor that comes and goes that's usually in my head but sometimes causes my whole body to shake with my pulse. Even when my breathing is relaxed this doesn't go away until it wants to.

I'm going to talk to a neuropsychologist in a week, as that's the soonest I can see her, but I'm scared of what will happen to me in the meantime.

Anybody else have/dealt with and come through similar problems. My Doctor said to just try living again and ignore all symptoms - and I admit I haven't been able to do that completely for one full day - but they seem so real and the slight tremor - which sometimes goes hand in hand with a little dizziness - is unpredictable and appears even when I'm trying to ignore everything else. I'm also stumbling over words without thinking about them and have a very low attention span. I don't know if this is some combination of me being aloof when on defence and anxiety or it means something more.

How do I get out of this? The smells in particular or so vivid, but you can rationally link the trauma in the cinema to their conception... I've just never had anything like this happen to me before. Should I really just ignore everything?

Thanks for reading this.

18-03-17, 19:49
I remember your original post about this a few weeks ago. I'm glad to hear you'll be seeing someone next week. It really does all sound like textbook anxiety, as horrifying and real as the fear is. When my anxiety peaked a few weeks after my daughter was born I was in such a constant panic about my health that I could hardly even function. My mother had to come and stay with me because I would just wake up in the morning and immediately start crying and basically not stop until I went to bed at night. I had intense back pain, numbness in my arms and legs, dizziness, chest pain, lung pain, spots in my vision, tension headaches, and I even convinced myself I had developed a nut allergy when no allergic reaction had even occurred. I became afraid to eat anything but the most mild foods, I was afraid to be alone with my daughter because I thought I'd die and she'd be by herself in the apartment until my husband got home. It was unbearable.

But, then I finally went to see a therapist. The first few appointments I basically just cried the whole time, but she helped me. She gave me tips on how I could start to wind down the panic when it started to amp up. She gave me "homework" on how to take care of myself. And, over time I was able to escape from the horrendous cycle of panic. Before that I was 100% certain that I had completely lost my mind and would end up in a psych ward and they'd take my daughter. Now I am back to my normal self. I'm happy, I'm calm, and I'm enjoying my life. I'm not 100% cured, and I still have to check in with my therapist and keep vigilant for when the anxiety starts to sprout, but I am fully functional and normal.

You will be, too, when you get help. It seems impossible. It seems like you're either dying of crazy, but you're neither. You're just suffering with terrible anxiety right now. Good luck!!

18-03-17, 20:52
Thanks for responding :)

There's a real difference between reading threads where symptoms vaguely resemble your own and trying to take some comfort in the responses there, compared to actually writing everything down - which is kind of therapeutic in its own way - and having someone respond directly to you.

I was sorta embarrassed by the last post which is why I deleted it but I guess that's in small part to my mental health too.

Again thanks! I've talked to Doctors and Family, but never someone who was where I currently am - and I guess I needed to feel a little less alone.

18-03-17, 21:10
Don't be embarrassed, especially here! Anxiety is extremely common. When mine got very bad I became really open about it with the people around me because it was just an added stress to hide it. When I started to open up I was shocked by how many people I knew had also struggled or were struggling with it. People who seemed so incredibly together. And so many people could not believe that I had anxiety because I project a really calm and nonchalant personality - my true personality when I'm not plagued by anxiety.

Talking about it is so, so helpful. It definitely normalizes things and takes away some of the stigma.

You are definitely not alone when it comes to anxiety. One of the things my therapist told me was that anxiety forums like this were the only thing I was allowed to read when I was anxious - no googling, just finding people who'd gone through what I was going through. It really does help.