View Full Version : Why can't I convince myself??

18-03-17, 18:43
Afternoon guys,

I have had tests to rule out MND, EMG of the bulbar area, during this time l was and still am fixated and convinced that I slur words, no one around me seems to notice, and it feels like l am constantly trying too hard on the speech. Is it fair to say that my constant anxiety over this ie still making it hard for me to convince?

I mean I've had the tests to rule out MND, is the speech thing just me being extra hypervigilant?


18-03-17, 19:05
Did you read THIS? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=196071) I know you're familiar with it.

If several medical professionals, scientific tests and actual ALS sufferers can't convince you then it comes down to you to make it happen. Please seek help for your anxiety. Those poor folks on the ALS forum are slowly losing their battle. You're doing that to yourself and don't even have the illness!

I hope you find the inner fortitude to overcome this.

Positive thoughts

19-03-17, 02:34
Well, yes, you are anxious and hyper vigilant. you sound like you have OCD. Are you on any medications or in therapy?

Look, neurologists are not stingy with their diagnoses. Careful, yes, but if they thought you could have ALS they'd say "possible ALS" and send you to the ALS doctors. The fact that they tell you you don't have it means you don't.

Also for stuff like speech slurring, at first other people often will notice it when you don't. Real neuromuscular problems work that way. I have a fairly mild hereditary neuromuscular issue and was told I was staring at the ground for years--I now realize I was subtly correcting my balance. I didn't notice or care!

SO--in sum, you sound like you have a pretty bad case of OCD or pure-O attached to ALS/MND and are not thinking rationally. And could use some professional help.