View Full Version : Anxiety insomnia

19-03-17, 03:02
A question to pick peoples brains.

At night I suffer severe anxiety due to the fact that i worry about not getting enough sleep to be able to function adequate at work so sometimes I go to work without any sleep or very little sleep. This has unfortunately lost me several jobs over the past 10 years.

I have now decided to take a proactive approach to the problem.
So with this in mind what meds would you recommend? The lowest effective dose.

GP has recommended Amitriptyline which requires me to take every day, but I would like to stress that I DO NOT SUFFER ANXIETY ON MY DAYS OFF AND CAN SLEEP AND MAINTAIN SLEEP.

I work 4/3 shifts a week so meds only needed on those days and not the other 3 when I do not have work.

My personal opinion (as a complete layman) would be a low dose of Zopiclone or would any of you guy and gals recommend an anti anxiety such as diazepam or xanax or any other med you have in mind?

This would be for long term use so dont be afraid to tell me the above cannot be used long term.

Any advice would be fab.


up a ladder
19-03-17, 10:59
I too have this issue when I am at my worse and appreciate what a problem it is. Amatryptaline for me really works but even the smallest dose left me zombie like the following day. I know none of the other drugs you mention so cant comment unfortunately, but benzo's work for me, but obviously not a good idea for long term use.
I wish you well.