View Full Version : Checking Blood Pressure Obsessively

19-03-17, 04:46
So, I have Fibromyalgia, and used to check my blood pressure on a daily basis to see if it was too low. (I would get very dizzy/almost pass out) Recently, when I've checked, my bp has been going up, especially around time for my period. When it is over 120/80, I start to panic. This, of course, then sends it higher. Readings at my gp and rheumy are usually normal. So, since I haven't had low bp in a while, I think it's time to kick my habit.

Anyone else have a habit of checking your bp obsessively?

19-03-17, 14:54
I had that habit. I kicked it. I worried because I thought mine was too high. Doctor told me to stop checking, as blood pressure can fluctuate like crazy in a given day and I probably wasn't gathering an useful information, as my anxiety would cause it to rise.

I just stopped checking it one day. Because I'm young and it just didn't seem worth it.