View Full Version : Still panicked

19-03-17, 11:35
Hi, and sorry I seem to be spaming, but I'm still worried sick.
As I said on my other thread, have had blood in my throat and nose two weeks ago and rib pains. Have been to my GP and the er told me everything was normal but didn't do any further tests, just listened to my lungs and did an ecg which "sounded" normal.
I'm on my first week smoke free but still experience the pain in my ribs and all over it moves to my shoulders and chest region. I just don't understand why they wouldn't do the x ray. I'm 23 years old and this is sucking the life out of me I'm so scared even on anxiety meds.
I just need some advice should I go to another doctor ? I can't believe this can all be in my head and I'm afraid they dismissed me because of my young age.
Thanks a lot and sorry to be so needy over this. I'm just worried sick.

19-03-17, 12:09
This time of year everyone in my house gas blood in their noses and throats. It's from several things, viruses, dry air, sinuses. It's common, normal and expected.

The rib pain can either be from coughing, some activity.. during the day or night (tossing and turning in your sleep)... or what I found from having HA all my life is.. the tension HA causes a mile long list of oddball symptoms. Imagine how unnatural it is to every system in our body to be anxious and tense. THAT in itself causes various pains. Been there for sure.

Years ago I had a lipoma on my ribs.. convinced it was something terrible, I eventually developed rib and back pain.. PLUS psin in 1 shin.. which I immediately was positive that my disease had spread to my leg.

None of it was real... well, except the lipoma. I hounded my dr until she took it out. Thank goodness she did, know what it was?

A lipmoa. :-/

HA is the beast with many faces. Don't let it trick you.

19-03-17, 12:15
Hi Nancy and thank you for answering
I'm glad to hear your worries were unfounded, and I just really wish I could reason and rationalise but I can't.
It all started with an allergic reaction to an unkown trigger two weeks ago which provoked hives and swelling. Then this. I also experience pain in my a little bit everywhere and started bringing up clear phlegm a lot. I have coming and going pain in my hips, neck and underarms. I just don't know what it could be. And I keep reading stories of really young people being diagnosed with lung cancer it scares me nlto no end seeing as that on top of smoking myself, I've been exposed to second hand smoke my whole life. I just feel like I'm going crazy and I'm considering requesting a chest x ray myself but over here you have to have your doctor recommend it.
I just don't know what to do anymore.

19-03-17, 12:26
Would the chest xray calm your fears and stop this for you? If yes, push for it.

If it will not and you'll doubt it's results too... then at some point you have to let it go and make peace with your aches and pains.
Interesting thing with HA, when you take the focus off the symptoms, they tend to dissappear.

19-03-17, 12:33
I don't know cause I'm now convinced they will find something. I can't believe this is all in my head. I feel terrible for being like this on top of it because I'm poisoning the lives of those around me. So again, thank you for taking the time to "deal" with me. I don't know if I'm just persuading myself that it there and should just trust the doctors or keep feeding my fears and go back to another one. I'm at a loss. And I'm sorry if that sounds ridiculous and annoying but it seems like I just don't manage to get over myself.

19-03-17, 12:37
Did I mention that HA is a beast? My own mom called it the devil.

Can it manifest itself into what you're feeling? Yes.

What would give you peace of mind?

19-03-17, 12:40
A week ago I would have said a chest x ray but now I'm not even sure anymore. I'm just terrified they would find something.
By the way now that I remember, the rib thing started along with the inflammation. I don't know it's just gone down hill from there I guess.

27-03-17, 15:07
I've seen people have nosebleeds from dry air in the winter too. I'm sure you're totally fine. Obviously seeing another dr. will help put your mind at ease. I can't tell you the handfuls of times I've been in the E.R. at a younger age, convinced I was dying or REALLY sick - and they would come back with a panic attack diagnosis. My best suggestion is to go to an ear nose throat specialist - not sure what that's called there - here it's that or ENT. Have them check out your nasal passages first maybe. Like someone else said - winter - heat - dry air = nosebleeds for many of us!

Feel better!

27-03-17, 19:17
Another thing to keep in mind is that quitting smoking is probably really doing a number on your mood/anxiety even if you're on anxiety meds. My advice would be to call your doctor to talk about your anxiety. Say that you've just quit smoking and that combined with the symptoms and worries you're having is really giving you a hard time. Your doctor may have some good advice on how to cope during this time and help talk you through all your worries in a more complex way to settle your mind.