View Full Version : Sepsis fears after surgery

19-03-17, 12:13
Hello everyone! I am new to this website.

I had laparoscopic gallbladder surgery 4 days ago and I also have really bad health anxiety, so you can imagine everything going through my head right now, but the the one that won't go away is the fear that I somehow have sepsis. I don't have a temperature but me, being the idiot I am, decided to ask doctor Google about complications from surgery and sepsis came up. I have a kind of rash on my arm and face but it came after using new face wipes so I'm trying not to panic but it's very hard. I feel all achey and my incisions hurt and I can't lie on my side so all those this are making me automatically scroll through a list of terminal illnesses and infections. I know its not good to be looking for reassurance but I've tried everything else since I had my surgery and I think the anxiety is too strong to conquer on my own. Thank you for reading this far!

19-03-17, 14:00
Hello there
Although you have had laparoscopic surgery this is still a big operation. The aches and pains you describe are completely normal, you have a rash but know what has caused this.
Keep off of google and be kind to yourself, let you body recover and rest. Keep your mind busy so it doesn't over think.
I empathise as I too suffer horrendous health anxiety and had my gallbladder removed. I imagined all sorts but ultimately within 2 weeks I was back at work and normal (for me :) )
Speedy recovery x

19-03-17, 14:48
If you're able to post to an anxiety forum, you don't have septicemia.

19-03-17, 20:30
Hi I had my gallbladder removed 5 years ago and remember feeling very sore for a week or so after, I even slept on the sofa as that was the only place I could get comfy. You've still had surgery and they've had a good poke around in there so aslong as your not in horrendous pain (thank goodness the gallbladder attack pain is over now ��) take any pain killers you've been given and enjoy having an easy few days rest. Best of luck take care