View Full Version : A bit of reassurance!

19-03-17, 15:19
Hi guys,

I've had what I believe to be silent reflux + GERD for 1.5 years (Approx.). The symptoms I'm suffering from at the moment are:
Bloating (A lot)
Burping (After food, changing position)
Fullness under my right rib (feels like there is something stuck I can't get rid of).
I'm really worried that these symptoms are something bad, and that I'm going to need surgery or something... what do these symptoms sound like?!

Clydesdale Epona
20-03-17, 02:17
It sounds a lot like classic silent reflux, I get it all the time(being a chronic sufferer myself) if its getting hard to deal with I'd make an appointment with your GP that way you can get omeprazole or something else x

All the best :hugs:

22-03-17, 12:17
I get these symptoms a lot, espcially when anxious. Burping all the time.....I have no idea where all the air comes from!! Its like I am full of gas and will burp burp and burp and its like I must swallow the air back down again because sometimes it seems to never end. Its not an unpleasant feeling actually, its annoying but it brings some relief and feels good to get it up. Some days a few burps will make me feel fine and that will be it other times it can go on for ages. I find sparkling water helps to get it out and makes me feel better. Sometimes I get the little bubble creeping their way up my oesophagus without my permission! Especially in bed when lying down. That drives me crazy actually. I think it is a kind of dyspepsia, maybe not even acid reflux but just an unsettled stomach that produces a lot of gas due to messed up digestion. This is almost always anxiety driven in my experience and nothing to worry about. Gaviscon advance can be really helpful and zantac from the pharmacy or supermarket is my life saver. The biggest help is to try and relax the stomach. I often dont realise how tight I am holding my stomach. When I think about it and relax and breath slow and deep it often helps a lot. Step 2 is to get distracted and busy doing something so you dont focus too much on it. Suck mints, chew minty gum. Sip sparkling or still water. These all help me. If you are worried see your doc, but I know these symptoms are very common.