View Full Version : Head pressure and dizziness

19-03-17, 15:19
Just as the title says, I've been experiencing really bad head pressure, along with dizziness. It started at the end of December and lasted about a month. It eased off finally at the end of Jan and it only just came back almost a week ago. I'm struggling to function and I'm stuck in bed waiting for this to eventually ease off again. I was really hoping that I could finally put this behind me.

I'm terrified it's a brain tumor or MS. I have really severe health anxiety and all these symptoms are sending me into constant anxiety attacks. The head pressure is constant (unless I'm laying down) and at time's it feels like it's more noticeable on the right side of my head.

Other symptoms are: nausea, stiff neck/sore muscles, no appetite, constant unsteady feeling whenever I move my head. Although, I feel like the nausea/no appetite could be from my anxiety.

I went to the doctors last time and I just got given antibiotics for a possible sinus infection and he sent me off for a ECG. Which came back normal. I'm hoping to get into the doctors this week and I'm thinking of requesting an MRI, which I'm terrified about and I don't know if I could handle getting 'bad news.' Or dealing with getting an MRI in general.

Has anyone ever experienced anything like this? I feel like I've left some stuff out because I can't think really clearly at the moment, due to all of this. But I'm just really scared. :weep:

19-03-17, 17:48
I have experienced this before at the height of my anxiety. I don't really have any advice as anti anxiety medication was the answer for me but know that your not alone!

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19-03-17, 18:43
I have something similar. I feel perfectly well but I keep getting a funny feeling in my head like I'm going to be dizzy but nothing happens. I'm not sure I can explain it properly but it last a split second and as soon as I notice it it's over. I don't have a headache at the minute but I'm wondering if it's my eyes. I'm scarred to get them checked in case it's bad news.

20-03-17, 00:16
All of the symptoms could be from anxiety. Your headaches sound like tension headaches, which I got a lot when my anxiety was at its height. Mine was worse the first year after my daughter was born. I would sit in her room in the dark breastfeeding her and it felt like someone was pressing on the sides of my head. It freaked the shit out of me. I also had almost all the other symptoms your having. The soreness/stiff neck can easily be from all the tension in your body that you don't even notice you have.

23-03-17, 17:29
It could be BPPV which is basically benign vertigo and that in itself is an inner ear issue. Our motion and equilibrium is actually controlled by tiny calcium particles and small tissues in the ear so most likely is you are feeling dizzy or spinny its because of an inner ear issue OR not breathing properly which causes you to not get enough oxygen to your brain which is why we feel really dizzy and tingly during panic attacks, because we are either breathing to shallow or taking in too much oxygen through hyperventilating.

Suggestions that have helped me:
Putting essential lavender oil behind your ears and on your temples
drinking A LOT of water
vertigo exercises, you can look these up online, but they basically consist of holding your head in certain positions for about 45 seconds or so three times a day til it goes away