View Full Version : I don't think I can cope anymore ..I need some help please

19-03-17, 16:19
5 years ago I started getting ectopic heartbeats ..they took over my life.
I've suffered with anxiety for so many years.
Had all the tests and all came back fine and they were pvcs but harmless.
They went away ..hadn't had them for a year ..the odd few but I was okay.
I'm a full time carer for my gran who has dementia and over the last month I've felt awful ..
Dizzy,panicking,if my dad didn't answer the phone I thought he was dead or hurt.
Then I was crying all the time,so angry all the time,snapping all the time.
Feeling like I couldn't cope and my gran was getting worse hearing voices and screaming at me daily.
I think I had a hallucination ..I heard rats running across my bedroom floor but I was awake.
3 days ago I got the pvcs again and last night they kept me awake ..
Every 10 seconds a massive thud like a electric shock ..they went on till 8 am then stopped till 2pm then re started.
I'm sick of my life,I keep crying.
Every time I get a thud I want to tear my hair out ..what's going on?
I feel like this will never get better..there's no way out..
I can't cope with being alone and a carer for much more.
This can't be anxiety can it?

---------- Post added at 16:19 ---------- Previous post was at 16:19 ----------

I've had stomach aches for years been told IBS

19-03-17, 16:28

It does sound like anxiety. I understand the feeling of being afraid & feeling alone. Please know you are not alone. There are many who go through this more than you know. First step may be to see your GP and he or she can refer you for help.

I wish you well. Love your username BTW great song.

19-03-17, 16:52
I have a lot of worrying thoughts too.
If my dad doesn't answer the phone I think he's fallen or broken he's neck or had a stroke..il start to cry and panic like crazy.
I used to be scared to leave the house (7 years ago) it was awful but I got better.
These ectopic beats send me crazy