View Full Version : Stomach bug scaring me?

19-03-17, 18:22
Hi all,

Yesterday at work I ate an egg product on my break, I haven't ate egg in that form before. I began to feel ill a few hours later and once I came home from my shift I started to get really intense stomach cramps. Then I vomited, and kept being sick until 2 am this morning. The vomiting stopped. I also had diarrhoea which was just like water if I'm honest. My mom told me it was probably because of the egg or norovirus. I had a fever and headache, also muscle stiffness too. Now I've been able to eat normally as I was sick about 9 times and I think my body has got rid of the majority of the bug or whatever was plaguing me. But now, I'm in a massive panic. I feel quite nervous and nauseous because I think I'm going to be ill tomorrow at college. I feel well enough to go because I have a lot of important work to hand in tomorrow. I'm just so so scared that this is too good to be true and I'm going to end up really seriously ill, though my vomiting stopped etc. I'm getting quite sweaty now but I think it's anxiety but I can't be sure. I'm so so scared :(

19-03-17, 22:55
Sounds positive you have been able to eat & are no longer being sick. I'm not a doctor but sounds like your egg or even on of those 24 hr viruses. Does sound like you are over the worst of it, but because you had bad sickness / diarrhoea you might feel a little of colour. Just look after yourself & remember to drink & try to not to panic. Hope all goes well tomorrow xx