View Full Version : Night sweat

19-03-17, 20:56
Hey everyone,

So last night I experienced what I think is a night sweat, woke up fairly early with my bed clothes and bed sheet too wet to continue to sleep in. I usually do feel hot when I wake up in the morning but I've never experienced sweating like that. My family thinks it could be because I am under a lot of stress atm, but I didn't feel stressed before going to sleep really.

I do plan to go to the doctor if this happens again, but just wanted to hear other people's experiences of it.

19-03-17, 22:48
I don't know but I have noticed it alot warmer recently, especially early morning. Have you tried lighter bed covers( I was thinking of packing away the winter ones)Its just a thought to eliminate that as a possibility. Best wishes xx

19-03-17, 23:18
I don't know but I have noticed it alot warmer recently, especially early morning. Have you tried lighter bed covers( I was thinking of packing away the winter ones)Its just a thought to eliminate that as a possibility. Best wishes xx

Thanks for the reply Cakelady. I did think it might have something to do with the change in weather as I've also been sneezing every morning for days on end [allergies starting up]. But yeah thank you, I am going to try lighter covers tonight and I also made sure I turned the heating off early.

20-03-17, 19:04
It is getting warmer now, I woke up rather damp last week. Nothing to worry about unless it feels like you've took a dive in a ocean every single night.