View Full Version : mole on my foot? cancer??

19-03-17, 21:24
today's just hitting me down like two birds with one stone.. im 17 years old so i know as you grow youre supposed to get more moles on your body, but this one thats grown on my foot this past year keeps giving me bouts of anxiety whenever i see it.. just knowing ive had it for so long scares me

it suddenly started growing on the bottom of my foot one day, and i swear i remember it being smaller/lighter when it first appeared. its stopped growing ( or if it is, its growing really really slowly ) and has settled in but it still worries me a lot from its sudden appearance and how it looks.. its a dark brown, just a bit bigger than a pencil pinpoint, a perfect circle but otherwise with blurry/semi blurry edges. as you can tell im at a loss, but scared nonetheless that this could be one of my biggest fears..

skin cancer scares me witless especially since i live in a desert climate, so any new moles give me a fright but none of them so far have been like this one.. am i just overreacting? i know i cant see someone about this since my dad's sick of me whistling the same tune about every new mole. just some reassurance would be nice since im panicking over two different things right now

19-03-17, 21:54
am i just overreacting?

Absolutely! What you describe, "dark brown, just a bit bigger than a pencil pinpoint", sounds more like a freckle than a mole.

Maybe your father would be more open to getting you help with your anxiety if you told him how much you worry?

Positive thoughts

10-05-17, 03:02
youre reply put me at some ease from when you put it but revisiting the mole and my biggest fears i only feel like ive been ignoring something huge.. to start i feel like i didn't explain properly how big it was. it doesn't seem like a normal freckle and at best i can only describe it around the same size as the point of a standard mechanical pencil without lead ( weird measurement i know )... it doesnt seem like it's grown at all but ive been losing my mind insisting myself it was a lot smaller and lighter when it first appeared.

not to mention everywhere i google it says freckles/moles on the soles of feet are uncommon and to check on them..since that's where melanoma likes to show up. i showed it to my mom but she said it wasnt much to worry about. ive been panicking all day but i really feel like i have something awful. i can't say much to myself for reassurance at this point

10-05-17, 14:57
today's just hitting me down like two birds with one stone.. im 17 years old so i know as you grow youre supposed to get more moles on your body, but this one thats grown on my foot this past year keeps giving me bouts of anxiety whenever i see it.. just knowing ive had it for so long scares me

it suddenly started growing on the bottom of my foot one day, and i swear i remember it being smaller/lighter when it first appeared. its stopped growing ( or if it is, its growing really really slowly ) and has settled in but it still worries me a lot from its sudden appearance and how it looks.. its a dark brown, just a bit bigger than a pencil pinpoint, a perfect circle but otherwise with blurry/semi blurry edges. as you can tell im at a loss, but scared nonetheless that this could be one of my biggest fears..

skin cancer scares me witless especially since i live in a desert climate, so any new moles give me a fright but none of them so far have been like this one.. am i just overreacting? i know i cant see someone about this since my dad's sick of me whistling the same tune about every new mole. just some reassurance would be nice since im panicking over two different things right now

Hi Socksrox

I know this is an older post but this might put your mind at rest.

I have a mole on the bottom of my foot! When it first grew (few years back), it stopped/settled and is bigger than yours (normal mole size). Moles can grow anywhere on your body and the fact that they may appear on your hands or feet doesn't mean there's a higher chance of cancer.

Moles on the hands and feet can look different to moles on other parts of the body. That's because the hands and feet have ridges and the pigment distributes itself within these ridges. I, like you, was beside myself with worry and quite literally stuck my foot in my doctors face. I assumed I had something nasty but he said it was absolutely fine. I should only worry if it went black or grew quickly. Also, the skin cancer you are talking about has a certain name (Acral Lengtigious or something) is VERY obvious. Don't google.

Nothing to worry about. Be aware of your moles but don't obsess. You can get new moles into your 40s. I have a fairly new one on my arm which I discovered last week. It looks fine, so I don't worry about it.

I hope this helps put your mind at rest :bighug1: