View Full Version : Side effects still there after 6 weeks - some advice needed

19-03-17, 22:14
I know I need to give it time, and I still take it twice a day no matter what. The initial dr started me on a huge dose, but I am still trying.

I know that it will take more time to see the benefit, but the side effects still haven't waned. I am seeing a new doctor next week and I wonder if it's time to give something else a go. I am just miserable every day. Today was the first day I have gone to work in months and I could only handle a few hours with taking diazepam also. I have tried so hard not to take it, and I am getting much better at it, but it's the only thing I have that lets me function. I've not taken a months worth in two months, so I am okay with that.

I know everyone responds to different medication, so I guess I just want the opinion of those that ha e been through this before I go to the doc.

Thanks guys.

19-03-17, 23:14
I know that it will take more time to see the benefit, but the side effects still haven't waned.

What side-effects are you experiencing and what is the current dose?

20-03-17, 06:55
If you are taking it twice a day does that mean you are on the immediate release tablets as opposed to slow release capsules? If so, insist in changing as I've heard it is much easier on the system in the capsules.

Also, I'm interested to know what side effects and dose. I started ven mid 2016 and went slowly with 37.5 then 75 after about 3-4 weeks, then to 112.5. I found this dose was enough to settle my anxiety. I didn't have many side effects compared to the SSRIs.

Good luck!

20-03-17, 12:11
Panicdownunder -
The dr that I went to started me on 75mg instant twice a day. I now know that was a really high starting dose. At the time I didn't have insurance and they saw me for free, so it's difficult to hold to much of a grudge there. I have enough to worry about. I see a new dr that a friend of mine goes to this week, so I'm hoping I like him.

Every dose I take I get super antsy all over (my body and my mind).It seems to just give me more anxiety. I'm having child, but also waking up multiple times absolutely soaked in sweat. Not nice, especially in winter. I'm dizzy and having visual disturbances. The vision thing is really screwing with me bc I have 20/16 vision. The other thing is this bizarre whooshing sound in my ears. Ick. And of course the sexual side effects, luckily my husband hasn't given up on me, ha. There's also just a constant mind fuzziness if you know what I mean. I'm typically a tough person, so I feel like such a whimper right now.

Shaz -

That gives me hope on the extended release option. I hate taking it in the evening. It seems like as soon as I can calm down, it's time to take it again.

I am thinking, rather hoping, that this doc will have the same astoundment at the dose as I am and will have a better plan.

I JUST WANT TO FEEL BETTER. Even if it's gradual. I'm just so tired of feeling like crap. It's exhausting.

---------- Post added at 07:11 ---------- Previous post was at 07:09 ----------

And thanks again. It's so nice to be able to converse with people that have been through this and understand.