View Full Version : my health anxiety

20-03-17, 01:18
i only come on here every now and then, i don't really suffer anxiety anymore i'm far better dealing with it now.

But i wanted to say why i think i used to suffer with health anxiety quite a bit, I'm 27 years old and up until maybe just over a year ago me and all my friends lived the same life from the age of 19, fit and healthy Mon-Thu, Friday and Saturday party hard all weekend and recover on the sunday, now i won't say exactly what went on when we partied but i'll leave that to you.

My anxiety came as i stopped that lifestyle i hardly even drink alcohol these days maybe once every 6 weeks , but a year or two ago is when my anxiety kicked in bad and deep down inside i was worried about the damage to my heart,brain and other parts of my body , it's why i went for a few ECG's and even though i got told it was all fine , i could not accept it i kept thinking i must have done some damage to my heart or brain (and even now every now and then those thoughts come back)

now that time has went on i'm rather calm and don't worry about myself too much anymore as i don't live that lifestyle but here's the problem , i heading out with my friends recently and noticed barely any of them have stopped what their doing and it worries me, their still living normal day to day lives but their actions at the weekends are getting a bit much for 27 year olds , i'm now starting to worry about them and what damage they are doing to themselves , i fear that one day they will suffer great problems due to these choices.

can anyone give me any advice on how i can get them to listen to me or clam down in anyway?

20-03-17, 12:23
can anyone give me any advice on how i can get them to listen to me or clam down in anyway?

The reality is, there's little you can say that will sway them. All you can do is speak your mind and let the chips fall where they may. The reality is, you're growing up and moving on.

I was one of the crazy ones at your age.... full time touring musician, living the life etc. It wasn't until I hit my late 30's that I realized the consequences of my actions and I've paid for them since. No one could tell me any different when I was younger.

While there aren't benefits to having health anxiety, perhaps you can attribute your lifestyle change a positive consequence of your anxiety as by taking positive actions to help yourself and your health, you'll avoid some of the pitfalls of your previous lifestyle later in life.

Positive thoughts

21-03-17, 12:25
thanks for the reply.

ye it worries me that they still do it but i also worry at what damage i've done to myself.

but that wa s agood informative post, i knew many people would end up suffering some sort of anxiety after years of this

---------- Post added at 12:25 ---------- Previous post was at 12:21 ----------

sorry for asking more questions but do you think it's never late to completely start fresh and get back to peak health?

18-04-17, 12:52
The reality is, there's little you can say that will sway them. All you can do is speak your mind and let the chips fall where they may. The reality is, you're growing up and moving on.

I was one of the crazy ones at your age.... full time touring musician, living the life etc. It wasn't until I hit my late 30's that I realized the consequences of my actions and I've paid for them since. No one could tell me any different when I was younger.

While there aren't benefits to having health anxiety, perhaps you can attribute your lifestyle change a positive consequence of your anxiety as by taking positive actions to help yourself and your health, you'll avoid some of the pitfalls of your previous lifestyle later in life.

Positive thoughts

in your opinion fishmanpa is it ever too late to stop yourself having consequences in later life?

---------- Post added at 12:52 ---------- Previous post was at 09:09 ----------

i stupidly fell into the trap of my old ways at the weekend again, first time i 'd acted in that way in so long and i can't understand why my mind changes so much when under influence of alchohol.

now all i'll do for maybe a week now is worry about my heart