View Full Version : scared

20-03-17, 10:35
for 3-4weeks now I,ve had cold,chesty cough and bunged up ears. I,ve finaly puck the courage up to go to the doctors this morning. I was on my own and I was hot, worried,panicky a little shaky. and just wanted to ru. but anyway doctor saw me and I have a chest infection so he,s given me antibiotics wich should help my ears aswell and an ashma thing for when I wheeze. wich has frightend me. I asked is there anything wrong with me cause you,ve given me that. he said no its just for when you wheeze stop taking when your better. but im so frightend

20-03-17, 11:15
I'm sorry you are worried but the inhaler will just be to help until your wheeziness has cleared. I know it different but whenever my son had a cough he had to use an inhaler, he didn't have asthma or anything, it was just something he needed. I'm sure you'll be feeling alot better soon as antibiotics often work pretty fast. Very best wishes xx

20-03-17, 12:21
Don't worry, I've been given an inhaler - it just helps with the wheezing when you have a chesty cough. I didn't use mine but if you need to it'll cause no harm at all.

Colds and flus can stick around for weeks, especially the cough at the end can linger.

You did the right thing going to the Dr's. Trust his opinion.

Drink hot lemon and honey and rest plenty. Use this time to just take care of yourself and relax. You'll be fine. Take care :)