View Full Version : Does Anyone Else Feel This Way?

25-04-07, 03:21
Just one more post tonight ..I had to ask.My sleep hasnt been good lately..I don't know its just like im sleeping but not sleeping anxious dreams or dream state.. Just not a relaxing sleep as normal.

I seem to wake alot and if I get up during the night I seem to feel sick..Kind of sick to my stomach or just achy sick..Not sure how to explain it..I really don't want to get up but have to in the mornings..After im up for a little while I start feeling better..

Could the weird feelings I have when i wake and the sick achy feeling be anxiety from anxious dreams..I hurt a lot around my neck and head at night and never seem to be comfortable anymore..If i dont get at least 8 hours sleep I feel really bad..Anyone else feel this way?

25-04-07, 14:12

I am sorry to hear you are suffering with night anxiety, my heart goes out to you. I know how you feel and what you are going though.

I have seen this happen to my daughter, she went through this at a young age, the sickly feeling the aches and pains. She had major anxiety issues during the night and in the morning.

I to know what you mean about the morning, not wanting to get up, but you know you have to. You are doing the right thing, get up straight away, get something to eat and keep busy, this symptoms will pass if you keep yourself busy, DON'T sit around and think about how bad you are feeling, this will only feed it and make you feel worse. I know at times this can be dame hard because you feel really unwell, but its a must. I still get this from time to time, but it only last for a few mins now.

Get to know all about yourself, how much you need to sleep. We are all diifferent, some people need more sleep than others. You can have to much sleep but also you may not be having enough, so get to know just how much sleep you need. I too need about 8 hours sleep but if I have more I may wake up achy and hurting in places I never new could ach, do you know what I mean?

Remember, if we have problems are minds will become active in are sleep, we try to reslove are problems in are sleep, this in turn makes us restless during the night, we toss and turn all night, its like having a workout in you sleep, so we don't get as much sleep as we should, we wake up and bang, are minds go into overdrive, trying hard to find reasons for this. What I found helped for me was having some nice calming music playing and thoughts written down because at these times of waking, my mind would think all negative and I could not think straight, so I had things written down for me to remember that this feeling will pass, something I could fucus on instead of focusing on the way I felt.

My daughter has not had this problem in a long time, hers passed, it took a while but it did go. I just wanted you to know you are not alone, hang in there.



25-04-07, 14:21
i have this too,and now i know it is called night anxiety ,thanks Jill:hugs: it makes you very weary doesn't it..i get like fizzy feeelings in my viens and it make me wanna SCREAM:wacko: Bad dreams almost everynight too:weep: It sohelps to share these things with others ,it makes you feelvery isolated spacially during the night ..now my last child has left home i am alone at night too..hope we all feel better very soon:flowers: Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxx

26-04-07, 00:30
Thanks to both of you ..You are very kind.I suppose you are correct..Thank GOD..I experienced this a lot at one time..nausea and achy feeling and the vein thing to..Just bizarre..And everything that I can remember about stroke and heart attack mention arms hurting and nausea..I suppose thats why I was worried..The sensations I suppose are just our bodies pulling out of sleep to become alert.The achy feeling and nausea just a product of our minds that we experienced during sleep trying to process thoughts that make us nervous when we are asleep..I have to find that balance between too much sleep and too little..I haven't just yet.

I went to sleep about two hours earlier last night than normal and slept over today .The weather changes here so quickly ,warm or nice outside during the daytime to cold at night and winds blowing and a few days of warmer than normal and other days of colder than normal.This is normal to where I live,unfortunatley I have only lived here about a year or little over a year so still adjusting.

I come from a tropical climate and used to be comfortbale sleeping three hours a night ..now im not sure.My sleep shedule is so strange.When we first moved here we stayed up all night and slept all day and then we back it up and went to bed later but got up later..and then we started going to bed later and getting up earlier..that was so hard..But now we seem to go to bed earlier and get up at a reasonable time however somedays its so easy just to stay in bed.

We are really rural and there isnt much to do here so we just stay around the house..We occassionally go outside but most days we find ourselves inside just doing things around here.The sickness at night has subsided but the anxious dreams of which I have no idea where they come from still exist and well maybe if can learn to blank my mind before going to sleep I can relax more and perhaps not experience them.I did last night.My wife wasnt just ready to go to sleep..and well I went ahead and laid real still and just put away every thought that came to mind.I blanked my thoughts and relaxed my body as much as I could.Its funny I drifted off to sleep and I woke with her coming to bed.I then did the same thing and went right back to sleep and had a better night that I have had in awhile.Anyway thanks for letting me know that this is a normal thing from anxiety and not having to do with heart or stroke or whatever.I appreciate it..With all my heart.A warm thank you again..Michael

Brandy snap
26-04-07, 02:50
I can never get comfortable in bed as it is too solid. It does not 'give' or 'yield' under my hip bone and as I have to lie on my side to go to sleep I am putting a lot of weight on my hip bone.

I know harder beds are supposed to be better for you but I was much more comfortable in our previous bed (a Slumberland with posture springing which we had for 30 years until a spring burst through and ripped my husband's pyjamas). This 'new' bed (now several years old!) is a Hypnos and has pocket springing in firm tension - big mistake for me.

Having massive vets bills at present due to poorly cats so cannot think about changing it yet.

Similarly the mattress does not 'give' under my head so I often wake up with a headache as even though I sleep on two pillows the unyielding mattress beneath the pillows stops my head being at the right angle.

And since I discovered this wonderful website I am not getting nearly enough sleep as two hours can go by without me noticing - seems like 10 minutes as I'm reading everything there is to read like a dry sponge in a big bowl of water. I am in England so it really is 2.50am. I am trying to break this habit of sitting up so late but enjoy reading all your posts and cannot find much time during the day to do it.

Does anyone else find several hours have slipped by unnoticed while engrossed in these messages? I cannot believe how many people feel like I do. Brandy Snap x

26-04-07, 10:02
Hi, all i also get the sick feeling, it has been going on for months now and i go to bed and wake up every morning feeling this way but feel fine after a few hours up and about. I know it is because i am going to go to bed and spend a couple worrying about what will happen the next day, then i wake early the next morning obsessing about the day before. I am now only really sleeping inbetween 2am and 6am and am absolutely knackered all day. I also have a really painfull neck and tension headaches through being so tense all the time.:weep:

Jacqui x

27-04-07, 04:42
Yeah .. sounds exactly like me...glad to know its not just me.although I feel bad saying that ,but at least im not going to worry about it being heart attack or stroke again..Take care and god bless