View Full Version : walking on a boat feeling

20-03-17, 14:14
I have had this for about a year on and off, docs cant find anything although I have never had a brain scan because I pass their neuro tests in the office

when I walk I feel like I'm sinking into the ground, even when I sit I feel like I am sinking

anyone find going on meds took this away ?

because I just started citalopram and I read online that there was a study of 600 people who suffered ongoing dizziness etc and after 12 weeks on meds 70% noticed a big reduction in symptoms

21-03-17, 10:07

21-03-17, 10:11

I had this as one of my main issues before finding the correct medication.

Good news - it DID go away!

Im not on anything now and its come back badly.

Mine went away for 10 years on medication.

I can boogie to the radio no problem just can't walk!

I hope this helps and good luck.


21-03-17, 10:32
hi, what medication did you have ? did you sometimes feel quite faint aswell ?

21-03-17, 10:49

I tried many,

Prozac Sertraline, Citalopram, Amitriptaline, Pregabalin, Lofepramine, to name a few.

Finally Clomipramine worked for me. It's one of the older type andtidepressants. Bear in mind this was 10 years ago and I was pregnant at the time.

Now, with no medication, Im off balance all the time.

Im waiting on a recommendation from my new psychiatrist.

I was "normal" for 10 years.


---------- Post added at 10:49 ---------- Previous post was at 10:45 ----------


I forgot to mention I had a really bad pressure feeling in my head and felt faint a lot of the time too.


21-03-17, 10:50
its so frustrating isn't it ?

I went to dizzy clinic they said I don't have vertigo, nothing wrong with my ears apart from Eustachian tube dysfunction, I had this years ago when I had panic disorder and it went away funny enough when I beat my anxiety, now its back at the same time I'm having panic attacks again so they must be linked even though I still feel this way when I'm not having panic attacks

I feel so out of it and that I'm going to collapse all the time

21-03-17, 11:02

Yes, it so just so awful.

Funnily enough Im being referred to a dizzy clinic too!

I cannot understand how it can be just "anxiety":lac:

Im in a bad way, my psych said I have panic, anxiety,OCD, depression and agraphobia.

My dizzness is much worse when I have to collect kids from school. I feel i will just collapse on the ground.

I hate it when people say that they're anxious. Im like, "hello! You really don't know what you're talking about"! :mad:

Im finding it really difficult to accept that its anxiety. Im paying to see a private neurologist in a couple of weeks, as Im convinced I have MS......

21-03-17, 11:22
I am with you on that one, I really don't think people realise just how awful anxiety really is unless they have lived with it.
It has completely changed the person I am and how I live my life.
at least they can still go about their daily lives, I struggle to get through every second of every day.
Its bad enough feeling bad at home and walking around holding on to furniture and leaning against walls because of the dizziness but like you when I go outside I have to concentrate so hard to walk in a straight line and feel like I am going to fall or collapse.
Its a living nightmare x

21-03-17, 11:30


My psychiatrist said that I now fit the disability criteria :blush:

Hope you are OK today :hugs:


21-03-17, 11:54
After years of struggling with anxiety I still don't understand how it causes the dizziness.
I think I need to start pushing for more help instead of just being told basically its anxiety and that's that, deal with it.
I don't even think the doctors really understand how bad it is as they have probably never personally suffered with it.

I have to go to work later which I am finding increasingly hard to do as even the short walk there is horrendous.
I feel like I am walking like a crab and everyone is looking at me.
I am naturally a quiet reserved person and the thought of collapsing in front of people and causing a scene fills me with dread.

21-03-17, 12:03

You poor thing. I totally understand.

I can barely get the kid to and from school and its only 1 minute away from my house.

I find I start getting dizzy, anxiety kicks in - body stiffens up, and I get more dizzy. I stagger all over the place. I wonder what people think of me.:scared15:

Mine is crazy, as I am still able to dance to the radio! I always imagine myself having to dance on the school run. DO you remember the song "Vindaloo", by Fat Les? I think that is who it is by. That will be me!

Have you had any tests for your dizziness?


21-03-17, 12:09
im going to a and e just now because of this, had enough I need answers

21-03-17, 12:12

Good luck and I hope you get some answers.

Keep in touch

:hugs: xx

21-03-17, 12:17
Good for you, hope you get some answers, I wish I was brave enough to go but I fear hospitals, although I want it to go away I worry what they will find, I couldn't cope with going through loads of tests.
I am seeing the doctor Friday and going to try and get through to them just how bad I feel.
Last time I went about the dizziness they just did the follow the finger test looked in my ears and checked reflexes.
They said I could be hyperventilating or could of been the medication I was on at the time but that was years ago.
And now its back worse than ever.

21-03-17, 12:19

Poor you. I totally sympathise.

Are you on any medication at the moment?


21-03-17, 12:25
Hi just wanted to say I experience something like this. Not just the sinking feeling but I actually feel like I'm bobbing/swaying about when I'm sat or led perfectly still. Also sometimes when I walk it feels like I'm walking on a trampoline! It's comes and goes, I've had it for 5 months now and even though it's Milder than when it started I still get bad days.

I've been to the doctor 7 times and they keep telling me it's a middle ear infection and that it will go. I give up going in the end because they're not going anything about it.

This has brought my health anxiety back which I havent had in years and now I'm also experiencing vision problems and daily headaches.

Do you have any problems with your ears ? This all
Started for me after a cold virus. I sometimes get tinitis too!

21-03-17, 12:41
Hi just wanted to say I experience something like this. Not just the sinking feeling but I actually feel like I'm bobbing/swaying about when I'm sat or led perfectly still. Also sometimes when I walk it feels like I'm walking on a trampoline! It's comes and goes, I've had it for 5 months now and even though it's Milder than when it started I still get bad days.

I've been to the doctor 7 times and they keep telling me it's a middle ear infection and that it will go. I give up going in the end because they're not going anything about it.

This has brought my health anxiety back which I havent had in years and now I'm also experiencing vision problems and daily headaches.

Do you have any problems with your ears ? This all
Started for me after a cold virus. I sometimes get tinitis too!
Hi was it a recent virus? As it's been a very bad year and now we are back to low temps a night :eek: I have had 2 colds one lasted for 3 weeks felt awful and drained of energy all the time, second cold not as bad this time but I don't normally get a cold or 2 of them back to back. Oh and never, never give up eventually you will find a good Gp that will take you 'seriously' and get you the help you need to move on HTH :) Cheers

21-03-17, 12:44
Only taking propranolol as and when I need it to relieve symptoms.
I can cope with most symptoms as they come and go but the dizziness is pretty much constant and I don't think the propranolol is particularly helping with it x

21-03-17, 13:23


What other problems are you having apart from the dizziness?

What's up with your eyes?


21-03-17, 16:54
Hi , I had the a cold about 5 and a half months ago. It wasn't a bad cold. A couple of weeks later I woke up with virtigo that lasted a few days and ever since I've had the weird floating/moving dizziness. Since then I've had a couple more colds (mild) and every time it's worse for a coupe of weeks.

My vision problems at the moment are flickering lights , as if someone is turning the dimmer switch up and down really fast. It's like my vision is dimming. Very scary! Also when I stare at something my vision wobbles, I've been getting eye pain and floaters too.

21-03-17, 16:58
I went to a and e. the doc did a neuro exam and told me I was perfect and that it's extremely unlikley I have any neurological illness and told me it's anxiety and to take medication for it so I guess I feel a lot better now

regarding the walking on a boat feeling, he said it's an uncommon symptom of anxiety but it is a symptom

it could well be the ear, the problem with the ear is its not always easy for docs to see everything that's going on in the ear.

21-03-17, 17:45
Hi Scared - have you been to the opticians about your eyes?

Insideout - so do you believe the doctor? I know the dizziness is crippling me. Maybe try your meds and hopefully it will go x

21-03-17, 18:10
Hi, I've had this before and it was with me for years , i think the main thing that makes us feel like it is that we are looking for it and waiting for it to happen, try to focus on something when you're out and think about nice things that you are going to do , the more you ignore this sensation the less it will be there . I know because I've experienced it and it is horrible , but it is i believe only because we focus on it .

Hope this helps you .

21-03-17, 18:13
Hi Scared - have you been to the opticians about your eyes?

Insideout - so do you believe the doctor? I know the dizziness is crippling me. Maybe try your meds and hopefully it will go x

hi yes I do about 90% without having a brain scan I guess it will never be 100%

21-03-17, 20:33
Hi lizzie67.

Yes I've been to the opticians not long ago. Eyes are all fine. I guess I'll have to go back to the doctors. I just don't see how anxiety can cause dizziness unless your actually having a panic attack or something.

21-03-17, 21:32
Hi lizzie67.

Yes I've been to the opticians not long ago. Eyes are all fine. I guess I'll have to go back to the doctors. I just don't see how anxiety can cause dizziness unless your actually having a panic attack or something.

trust me it does because when I was younger I had bad anxiety and I had it then. as soon as I got rid of my anxiety it went away but that's the hard part