View Full Version : I was doing so well...

20-03-17, 14:47
Well, isn't this a way to make a first impression? I guess I should tell my story:

I've had health anxiety since 2011 and had "diagnosed" myself with diabetes, pancreatitis, neuropathy, and cancers of many kinds including but not limited to colon cancer, testicular cancer, even lung cancer at one point, as well as various niche diseases I can't remember. I used to consult Dr. Google on everything and while sometimes I got reasonable answers, most of the time it lead me to one of those "diagnoses" above.

I had done so well in recent times not being a hypochondriac and I had gone a year without Googling until this last weekend when I was cleaning out my belly button and discovered what I thought was blood and immediately panicked. I looked it up and it said it's mostly an infection but being the nervous wreck I am I looked for other causes and found portal hypertension. I started cleaning the Hell out of the navel and yesterday in today it's stopped bleeding but instead does a clear spot when I clean it out.

Someone on another forum said it was a natural thing after a wound and I want to believe it, especially since there's been no blood, but my irrational side wants to think I'm on my deathbed somehow. I've been a wreck, I've had to force myself to eat, my stomach's been aching, I've had diarrhea, all of which I strike up to nerves, but my hypochondriac side is saying I'm sick and I'm going to die.

Can one of you help snap me back into reality? I'm sorry for my life story but this relapse has hit me hard.

20-03-17, 15:08
I'm in the middle of a relapse too. They suck, don't they?

Our belly buttons can harbour some really odd stuff. During one experiment a man was found with a bacteria in his navel that is only found in Japan. The guy had never even been to Japan!
The blood could have been anything. Maybe you did have a cut it infection, nothing wrong with that. Could have been lint or anything at all!

I also get stomach pains and the runs when my ha flared up, it's a totally normal reaction to stress. You are fine :D

20-03-17, 15:22
You're NOT alone. I'm on meds and in therapy and am On meds and I'm having a terrible relapse. You are fine. Belly buttons do this. Not sure why. My kids have had this happen from time to time. Ugh it sucks to be scared every second. I hope you feel better

20-03-17, 17:48
I'm glad I'm not alone on this but my belly button never did this as far as I know. It scared the crap out of me and made me convinced I was going to die. Even now I'm still a little anxious.

20-03-17, 18:48
Hey! This is nothing serious at all! My husband had this a couple times and just recently got it again. His was a fungal infection, the doc gave him an antibiotic and it was cleared up within a day. His was also oozing out some clear or white liquid. I never saw it, but this was just based on my husband's description. The other few times he got it he told me it was bleeding. Again, the antibiotics would clear it up.

20-03-17, 19:05
Seems like the most plausible but there's a red spot above my belly button. Is this something to be worried about? I had an appendectomy years ago (Which strangely enough is what triggered my HA to begin with since I Googled and I was right) and I'm not sure where the scar is, and I think that area is where it was.

Sorry if it feels like I'm grasping at straws, it's the relapse.

20-03-17, 19:41
I'm not sure if he had redness but I checked online and apparently redness and itchiness is a common sign of infection

20-03-17, 20:25
Yeah I had some redness and when I took a shower it stung in that area. I'm starting to worry a little bit, but I think I went through this before.

20-03-17, 23:00
Just in case anyone wants an idea of what the area looks like. The red part above the navel is what scares me since that's where my appendectomy was done years ago.

20-03-17, 23:28
Looks like a pretty standard patch of sore skin to me :)

20-03-17, 23:50
The part that scares me about that is the fact it was a scar where my appendectomy was done and it's red. I took a shower and did a warm saline solution and both stung like the dickens, and there's a discharge when I clean inside.

This might be farfetched but my wound isn't reopening is it? I know it's unlikely and probably my anxiety talking but still the question remains. I feel like I should start writing my will.

21-03-17, 00:06
Well, isn't this a way to make a first impression? I guess I should tell my story:

I've had health anxiety since 2011 and had "diagnosed" myself with diabetes, pancreatitis, neuropathy, and cancers of many kinds including but not limited to colon cancer, testicular cancer, even lung cancer at one point, as well as various niche diseases I can't remember. I used to consult Dr. Google on everything and while sometimes I got reasonable answers, most of the time it lead me to one of those "diagnoses" above.

I had done so well in recent times not being a hypochondriac and I had gone a year without Googling until this last weekend when I was cleaning out my belly button and discovered what I thought was blood and immediately panicked. I looked it up and it said it's mostly an infection but being the nervous wreck I am I looked for other causes and found portal hypertension. I started cleaning the Hell out of the navel and yesterday in today it's stopped bleeding but instead does a clear spot when I clean it out.

Someone on another forum said it was a natural thing after a wound and I want to believe it, especially since there's been no blood, but my irrational side wants to think I'm on my deathbed somehow. I've been a wreck, I've had to force myself to eat, my stomach's been aching, I've had diarrhea, all of which I strike up to nerves, but my hypochondriac side is saying I'm sick and I'm going to die.

Can one of you help snap me back into reality? I'm sorry for my life story but this relapse has hit me hard.

Wait.... when I pick at my belly button, it bleeds or gets all crusty with pus or some sort of gunk.
What does this mean? Is it a symptom of some disease??
Mine has always done this, I first noticed it years ago.
Now I avoid picking at it, even if it really itches.
What does it mean?

21-03-17, 00:26
I'd say it might be an infection on your end, and I'm hoping that's all it is for me and it'll go away

21-03-17, 13:28
Just a question: I'm overweight and have a deep navel, will it take longer for whatever's going on to heal as a result?

21-03-17, 14:11
I have a deep navel and sometimes it does what your picture showed. Not to be gross, but I'll even notice a smell from it. I just apply some peroxide for a couple days with a Q tip or a piece of tissue and try to keep the area dry and it usually clears up in a few days.

21-03-17, 15:50
Does yours hurt when you do it? It stings when I do a saline solution or take a shower

21-03-17, 16:06
Does yours hurt when you do it? It stings when I do a saline solution or take a shower

Yes, whenever it gets like that it stings if anything touches it. It gets oozy, crusty, it has bled before and it smells. Try to peroxide and keep it dry. I also put some neosporin or antibacterial ointment in there to help too.

21-03-17, 16:08
I did some peroxide just earlier and it didn't sting much, if at all, but maybe because it wasn't hot. I'm just scared, mine isn't oozing on its own but instead it's deep inside when your push down.

21-03-17, 16:22
It really sounds like what I deal with. It happens to me about 4 times a year, randomly.

21-03-17, 16:25
This is the first time I've noticed it, which is why I'm freaking out. xD

Is there anything I can do about my other symptoms like the diarrhea? I want to chalk it up to nerves but the HA part of me says the infection spread and I'm on the fast track to die

21-03-17, 16:41
Anxiety can defiantly cause diarrhea. I know its happened to me on many occasions. A few weeks ago I had urgent diarrhea for 10 days (sorry TMI) and I don't know if I had a bug or what but it was starting to freak me out. I ate bland for a few days and it went away. Try sticking to very bland foods and water and see if it helps.

21-03-17, 17:08
Thanks so much. I tried a warm salt solution again and there was no, if very little stinging. Hopefully that's an improvement

21-03-17, 17:44
Thanks so much. I tried a warm salt solution again and there was no, if very little stinging. Hopefully that's an improvement

Very welcome! :yesyes: I know how difficult it is when your anxiety gets the best of you. Its so difficult to carry on even with everyday normal stuff. It just over takes your mind and its all you can focus on. I totally get it. *hugs*

21-03-17, 19:36
I took a shower and while there was a little stinging, not as much as before. I usually take my showers hot, so that might be it?

It had to flare up when I'm having to finish my term paper and school stuff, when I'm already stressed out. It sucks

22-03-17, 12:48
How are you feeling today?

22-03-17, 18:43
Much better, my belly button is still pinkish but most of the pain is gone.

23-03-17, 15:36
Much better, my belly button is still pinkish but most of the pain is gone.

Good!!! :yesyes: