View Full Version : At breaking point - advice? :)

20-03-17, 15:04
Hello :)

So this year has so far been a big lump of crap.

Late last year I started getting hives which are apparently stress related. Waiting to see an allergist.
I also tested positive for rheumatoid factor and antibodies associated with rheumatoid arthritis.
And then if course is my act which showed slight abnormalities and led to a 24 hour ecg, the sticky patches of which caused me to be left with burn like marks on my stomach. Still awaiting results.

But today, back to the hives.

I was first on 120mg which worked great for a while... then the hives started to return so I was increased to180. I forgot to take them one day and by the time I remembered it was the evening and all at once I was COVERED. I was going to wait until morning but couldn't take it and took the missed pill at night.

Since then I've taken the pills at night but have still been getting hives before bed. Doc increased me to two 180mgs a day.

Also something else. When I get a bad attack of hives my throat sometimes hurts after. Can still breathe totally fine but it hurts to swallow. I'd that normal for hives?

I had a message sent to my doc that it was happening and didn't hear back and mentioned it to the pharmacist who didn't seem concerned at all so assuming it's nothing to worry about. I'd just like some confirmation though as the to my health anxiety it is freaking me out!

20-03-17, 18:33
I am no doctor but I would not be surprised if the hives that irritate your skin also can cause throat irritation. Sorry I don't have more medically grounded insight. Cheers

20-03-17, 18:58
No worries. Thanks for your reply ^^

I've just read about a condition that quite often appears with hives with a name I will never pronounce or spell correctly. Apparently it causes swelling in "deeper tissue" which can include the mouth or throat. It's painful and a pain in the butt but not serious. Can also cause swelling in the gut and lead to cramps and the runs (which I've quite often had when my hives flare up).

Assuming I've got that!