View Full Version : Sitting up choking in night

20-03-17, 16:35
I have sat bolt upright a few times over the last few years, maybe 4 or 5 times. Each time I've woke up with heaving breaths and a loud rasping or wheezing as I fight to take a breath. It literally feels like only the tiniest amount of air is going in, its kind of like a drowning feeling, exactly like when you swallow to much water in a swimming pool and inhale at the same time.

I'm pretty sure it must be acid reflux when I've googled this scenario, it sounds like I'm aspirating acid. It hasn't happened for a while now but from time to time I freak out and worry about it happening as it really feels like I'm going to die. The first time it happened I really thought this was it!

Started fretting about it today as it happened to my dad for the second time this year last night, and he was on his knees in the bedroom making the same sound and my mum was literally screaming! I was scared but it was so similar to the sound I've heard myself make I'm pretty sure it was the same thing....

Has anyone else had this before? Should I see a doctor and encourage my dad to? My Dad is a little overweight and drinks quite a bit of alcohol, I also drink alcohol and am probably the heaviest I've been at around 10st and fairly short but I'm within a normal BMI etc.

20-03-17, 16:49

I'm pretty sure too that it's acid reflux. I get this too sometimes during the day and at night. You should go to the doctor though rather than anyone on here diagnosing you. Yes try and get your dad to go too.

Heartburn/reflux is usually worse when your laying down, they suggest that you prop your head up, but do go to the doctors he can put your mind at rest and give you something to help.


20-03-17, 16:58
Thanks for the reply. Is this a serious thing I wonder? I wonder if you can actually land up dieing.....

20-03-17, 17:04
No you can't die of reflux. I know the anxiety within you, I fear so many things myself but you won't die of it.

Get yourself to the docs, put your mind at ease.