View Full Version : Night sweats? and more... Help?

20-03-17, 18:55
Hey guys. I'm new here but used to be quite active on AnxietyZone? Seems to have disappeared so I'm wondering if you could help.

About 2 weeks ago I started coming down with something. I don't know what this was... possibly something like Flu. My family members had also recently come down with either something similar, or just a plain old common cold.

I basically felt like I had a cold without the stuffy nose. I had a bit of a runny nose and a slight sore throat. But it was just the feeling of being ill, yknow? I also had my lymph node swell in my throat and sinus related headaches. I also got muscle/joint aches for a couple of days. Which lead me to think Flu.

All of this has now cleared. And my lymph node is almost all the way down to normal. I don't feel 100% and still have a slight cough... but for the most part i'm back to normal.

But I'm STILL getting night sweats. I don't have a fever but most nights i'll be sweating and I don't know why.

I've googled and seen lymphoma and HIV and i'm terrified! I haven't had sex in many months so I can't see how it can be HIV. But lymphoma scared my as my lymph node was raised but is now back to nearly normal.

Any advice anyone?

For a side note my anxiety levels are VERY low these days. I don't suffer any more but I just needed some advice because for the first time in a year I googled my night sweats and I'm anxious.

Thank you in advance!!

20-03-17, 19:02
"But lymphoma scared my as my lymph node was raised but is now back to nearly normal."

So why does "lymphoma" scare you?


20-03-17, 19:06
"But lymphoma scared my as my lymph node was raised but is now back to nearly normal."

So why does "lymphoma" scare you?


Thanks so much for your reply. You make sense haha.

It's just, it's still raised. But it's gone down a lot over the last week. I just don't know what's causing the sweats. And Dr Google said I have HIV or Lymphoma. I freaked...:weep:

20-03-17, 19:22
Thanks so much for your reply. You make sense haha.

It's just, it's still raised. But it's gone down a lot over the last week. I just don't know what's causing the sweats. And Dr Google said I have HIV or Lymphoma. I freaked...:weep: Hiya Dayvid I have had a real nasty cold seemed to last for ever, got rid of it and now had a second dose of it :eek: how ever second time round not as bad :) I give you a good suggestion don't dr Google you will only make your self much worse and can assure you haven't got HiV if you are still worried go to your local GUM clinic! Nice to meet you :) Cheers

20-03-17, 19:40
Hiya Dayvid I have had a real nasty cold seemed to last for ever, got rid of it and now had a second dose of it :eek: how ever second time round not as bad :) I give you a good suggestion don't dr Google you will only make your self much worse and can assure you haven't got HiV if you are still worried go to your local GUM clinic! Nice to meet you :) Cheers

Aw I hope you get better!

I just wish my night sweats would stop. It's very strange that they are still happening. Even sometimes if I nap..

20-03-17, 19:53
Aw I hope you get better!

I just wish my night sweats would stop. It's very strange that they are still happening. Even sometimes if I nap..Hey thanks :) What I a trying so say it's been a bad year for colds etc and that's all it is with you ;) Hope you start to feel better soon too :) Cheers

22-03-17, 21:37
Can anyone else help? My lymph node in my neck has gone way down. Still slightlyyy swollen but gone way down. I did feel poorly but now I feel much better.

But these night sweats keep happening! I'm not DRENCHED but my forehead and neck are wet every night. Even if I nap... I'm terrified that I have something more serious... even thought my lymphnode is going DOWN and nothings getting worse. It's been over a week since ive felt better but still... happening.

22-03-17, 22:12
Can anyone else help? My lymph node in my neck has gone way down. Still slightlyyy swollen but gone way down. I did feel poorly but now I feel much better.

But these night sweats keep happening! I'm not DRENCHED but my forehead and neck are wet every night. Even if I nap... I'm terrified that I have something more serious... even thought my lymphnode is going DOWN and nothings getting worse. It's been over a week since ive felt better but still... happening. Hey glad you are feeling better :) its possibly your Anxiety making you sweat a fear that there might be something more serious just a thought! Have you been back to you GP and talked to him I think you are fine especially as your lymph node had gone a lot smaller that's a positive sign :) Cheers

22-03-17, 23:03
Hey glad you are feeling better :) its possibly your Anxiety making you sweat a fear that there might be something more serious just a thought! Have you been back to you GP and talked to him I think you are fine especially as your lymph node had gone a lot smaller that's a positive sign :) Cheers

You've been such a help, thanks! I haven't seen my GP. But i just checked my tonsils and I do have a couple of white marks which i guess suggest an infection. My mother and aunt (who had the same illness as me) are also getting sweats since being ill. But we feel "better" .... weird!

Also my anxiety has been amazingly low until this illness. And I don't feel like its crippling me like it used to. But this has just been bugging me..

Thanks so much again.

22-03-17, 23:42
You've been such a help, thanks! I haven't seen my GP. But i just checked my tonsils and I do have a couple of white marks which i guess suggest an infection. My mother and aunt (who had the same illness as me) are also getting sweats since being ill. But we feel "better" .... weird!

Also my anxiety has been amazingly low until this illness. And I don't feel like its crippling me like it used to. But this has just been bugging me..

Thanks so much again. Brilliant well bugging you is ok we all get bugged from time to time even those ppl who are 'normal' and don't have MH conditions and no problem glad I have helped :) Cheers