View Full Version : I survived hell, fighting every day not to return

20-03-17, 21:57
Hi everyone.

I am 22 and a single mum. I have suffered depression/anxiety for as long as I can remember. i will tell you my own personal story, sorry for rambling.

in 2015 I got pregnant with my then boyfriend. I stopped taking my medication due to fears for my child. Around 30 weeks my symptoms started. Twitching all over body, tremors in all limbs and necks and facial muscles (couldn't close my eyes for a while due to them tremoring open) severe pain in all joints and down limbs, spasms so bad my limbs would lose control and even a few minor seizures (without losing consciousness, severe pain in my spine. Like you do I started googling, I was convinced- I was dying from ALS. (my worst nightmare being paralysed).

Long story short, I was in a really bad place, wasnt myself, I have never been so mentally unwell in my life. I ended up being sectioned and had a suicide attempt through cutting my wrists (I used to be a self harmer) I thought the doctors were wrong, nobody could get through to me, I was living in my own hell, so alone and scared. Anyway a lot of medication and 2 clear EMG's later I started to mentally recover.

10 months on I still have the symptoms but I am working together with my doctor to get to the bottom of it, I have to fight every day to not go back to the dark place I was in. I am enjoying my beautiful baby and every day of life. I have days where the fears haunt me and my scars will never go away, but i am stronger than my anxiety.

since then I have found out I have thyroid issues and I had an MRI on my spine today and got a phone call saying I need to go to my doctors this week. Normally, I would have lost myself with worry, but i am staying calm, and thinking maybe it will be good, maybe they know what is wrong with me and I can recover. Worries haunt me but they are not my life anymore.

I really, truly, 100 percent thought I was dying, so now I take every day as a gift, anything can happen to anyone at any time, mental illness will not be my legacy.

I joined this website to reassure people and help with concerns, along with asking for help for mine, because come on we are all human, i still worry and get down. But every day I wake up with my little boy smiling at me is a good day.

Thanks for reading, wishing all of you a happy healthy life. Mental illness does not define us :)


oh and i shall add I have history of auto-immune disease and stomach problems stemming from peritonitis when younger, I should just give up now, haha joking!

20-03-17, 22:03
Hiya LRD and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

20-03-17, 22:43
Hi everyone.

I am 22 and a single mum. I have suffered depression/anxiety for as long as I can remember. i will tell you my own personal story, sorry for rambling.

in 2015 I got pregnant with my then boyfriend. I stopped taking my medication due to fears for my child. Around 30 weeks my symptoms started. Twitching all over body, tremors in all limbs and necks and facial muscles (couldn't close my eyes for a while due to them tremoring open) severe pain in all joints and down limbs, spasms so bad my limbs would lose control and even a few minor seizures (without losing consciousness, severe pain in my spine. Like you do I started googling, I was convinced- I was dying from ALS. (my worst nightmare being paralysed).

Long story short, I was in a really bad place, wasnt myself, I have never been so mentally unwell in my life. I ended up being sectioned and had a suicide attempt through cutting my wrists (I used to be a self harmer) I thought the doctors were wrong, nobody could get through to me, I was living in my own hell, so alone and scared. Anyway a lot of medication and 2 clear EMG's later I started to mentally recover.

10 months on I still have the symptoms but I am working together with my doctor to get to the bottom of it, I have to fight every day to not go back to the dark place I was in. I am enjoying my beautiful baby and every day of life. I have days where the fears haunt me and my scars will never go away, but i am stronger than my anxiety.

since then I have found out I have thyroid issues and I had an MRI on my spine today and got a phone call saying I need to go to my doctors this week. Normally, I would have lost myself with worry, but i am staying calm, and thinking maybe it will be good, maybe they know what is wrong with me and I can recover. Worries haunt me but they are not my life anymore.

I really, truly, 100 percent thought I was dying, so now I take every day as a gift, anything can happen to anyone at any time, mental illness will not be my legacy.

I joined this website to reassure people and help with concerns, along with asking for help for mine, because come on we are all human, i still worry and get down. But every day I wake up with my little boy smiling at me is a good day.

Thanks for reading, wishing all of you a happy healthy life. Mental illness does not define us :)


oh and i shall add I have history of auto-immune disease and stomach problems stemming from peritonitis when younger, I should just give up now, haha joking!

Hiya LRD

Congratulations on the birth of your lovely wee boy!. I can certainly relate to having a millions and one different scary thoughts yet when you look at your child, you get some Peace, pride and joy!. The one time in my whole life I felt completely safe and anxiety free was when I was pregnant and I think that is because we completely and utterly focus on our child rather than ourselves.


Having a mental illness does not make us any less intelligent, capable or worthy than the next person so well done you for recognising that and continuing to kick ass like you are doing.

Hopefully your MRI results will prove a positive thing and allow you to move on even further.

Best of luck
