View Full Version : Does anyone's switch just flip?

20-03-17, 22:40
I wonder this because while I know I'm not "cured" of my anxiety per se, but I can say that I feel really good about the state of my health and I am in no impending doom.

I'm trying to go over what has changed in my life that has caused this dramatic outlook change on my health anxiety. I am no longer fretting over my lymph nodes, I haven't felt my breasts in a long time and I don't even feel the need to, don't even think about it and when I do think about it I don't have that urge. I stopped checking my stool and I've stopped assuming every little pain is something sinister. I'm completely happy and not stressed about my health. We no longer think my father's brain tumor was primary but a met from somewhere else and have requested his medical records.. and that's not giving me anxiety either! At least not health anxiety, it still makes me very sad.

Now the weather is getting better, and spring always leaves me feeling rebirthed. I'm moving on with my life, for the first time EVER in my life I'm finished with traditional schooling (clinicals are one thing.. but no lecture ever again). I get to see my fiancé like once a month now and we have such fun things planned. It is literally like a switch flipped. I love it.

I'm not naïve and I might just be bored with my spirals and moved on until something else comes along.. but I'm loving this. Anyone else's switch just.. flip?

20-03-17, 22:46
Yes and no, I still have that ENT appointment looming over my head for the 30th of march and if for any reason they want further investiagtion, I think anxiety will get the better of me but for now I'm coping well.

My switch flips back and forth. Some days I'm amazing, sometimes I'm worrying again.

I have exams coming up soon in May so I've been studying myself out of anxiety, I just can't afford to lose focus and fail my exams because it's likely I'm perfectly healthy and everything will be fine after my appointment.