View Full Version : Brain cancer fear.

21-03-17, 00:52
The latest fear ive been having is of a brain tumor. nobody in my family has ever gotten a brain tumor that i know of and I am an otherwise healthy 22 year old white male and I suffer from bad hypochondria. the reason ive been having these fears is because my anxiety is peaking and it feels like my mind is all over the place sometimes. Also during the early evening late afternoon hours I start feeling tired like exhausted and for the past 2 days, ive had a random wave of nausea during the day that lasts for like 5 seconds and goes away. of course me being a sever hypochondriac, my first thought is brain cancer.

21-03-17, 01:38
Being a hypochondriac you know that means you jump to illogical conclusions about illnesses you do not have as you are doing now regarding brain cancer, right?

You are aware that anxious thinking causes all kinds of physical symtpoms, right?

What are you doing to deal with your severe hypochondria? What is workiing? what isn't? What are you REALLY willing to do, long term, to get your severe anxiety disorder under control even though it is very hard and will seem an uphill battle at times?

21-03-17, 02:06
going on here helps

21-03-17, 02:10
You haven't been right yet! Perhaps if you state you fear you have a severe case of anxiety, you'll break the losing streak ;)

Positive thoughts

21-03-17, 09:56
going on here helps

While this forum is full of lovely peole, it is not a method to recover from severe anxiety disorder.

What are you willing to do to get on your healing path?

21-03-17, 14:10
I come here for reassurance

21-03-17, 20:00
I come here for reassurance

Which is not a method for treating or dealing with a severe anxiety disorder. Seeking reassurance is PART of the mental illness that you are suffering from. And Seeking reassurance as a coping mechanism only ensures that you will stay in the anxiety hole. It is part of the problem not part of the solution.

So this means that you are not presently doing anything proactive to treat your mental illness, correct?