View Full Version : Panic all night

21-03-17, 07:57
I went to bed last night feeling a little anxious but managed to get to sleep at a normal time. I woke up 3 or 4 times in the night each time in a huge panic and found it quite hard to settle again. I'm at work now and feeling ok (waiting for the next wave of panic to hit) but I'm just getting tired of feeling like this I'm always on edge. I'm so scared something is physically wrong with me causing the way I feel but my symptoms also all point to anxiety.

I'm having a dull ache in my chest (could this be a heart or lung problem even though my dr has checked and said both sound fine)

Loosing weight

Pain across my back

Lack of appetite (still eating enough food though)

Feeling on edge a lot

21-03-17, 09:21
Hi! It sounds very much like anxiety and panic. I have found the best way to deal with a panic attack is to tell myself 'I accept and allow these feelings and sensations. I'm safe, panic and anxiety can't hurt me'. I have been dealing with it for a long time and in the beginning I fought and resisted every feeling I had. Once you accept the feelings, the panic will lessen. It is the fight that keeps it going. You could try some meditation and grounding techniques to try to ease the anxiety. Mindfullness meditation is very good at helping you think about the here and now instead of worrying about the next panic attack. It will get better and you are doing very well to be able to get back to sleep after the night waking panics. Maybe some deep relaxation meditation before bed would help with the night time waking.

21-03-17, 10:09
I have this just now, been having panic attacks since xmas, even when just sitting watching tv

but now the past week I am waking up and start shaking/vibrating bad then it lkeads to a panic attack just before I leave the house for work, then my heart rate in work is at about 100 most of the day

do you ever feel like you are walking on a boat ?

I'm just starting citalopram cant take it anymore

21-03-17, 19:40
Thank you both for replying. I had an ok day and didn't feel too bad but I've just sat down and had a strange feeling in my chest (can't say it was pain just felt weird) and now it's set me off again. Im seeing my dr again next week so I'm going to ask about going back onto sertraline.

I don't feel like I'm walking on a boat but I do sometimes feel like things are going on around me and my eyes and head can't keep up with it. I was worried about my heart rate and my dr said she wouldn't be worried until it was 120bpm at rest at work when I'm "relaxed" it's usually between 90 and 100

21-03-17, 19:49
yea if it's 120 at rest like when you wake up over a ergodic of time yes that would be concerning but not when your anxious or walking about

22-03-17, 07:26
Losing weight is worrying me too. I would be much healthier if I lost a stone or two but at the moment I seem to be loosing a couple of pounds every few days. I am a lot more active at work so I hope it's down to that and nothing else

22-03-17, 08:48
Well, it's 3:45 AM here, and I'm awake in a panic, and have been since 2:30.
My little boy is sick with a cold & fever, I'm stressed about work tomorrow, about money, about a lot of things. Only getting 4 hours of sleep per night is hardly likely to make things better, but I can't sleep when I lay down. There's nothing I can do about it. :weep:

22-03-17, 09:16
Well, it's 3:45 AM here, and I'm awake in a panic, and have been since 2:30.
My little boy is sick with a cold & fever, I'm stressed about work tomorrow, about money, about a lot of things. Only getting 4 hours of sleep per night is hardly likely to make things better, but I can't sleep when I lay down. There's nothing I can do about it. :weep:

It's horrible when your little ones are sick, my daughter just has to cough and I fly into panic mode. I'm sorry your feeling this way I wish I knew how to help