View Full Version : Method of Coping or Symptom?

21-03-17, 09:07
Anyone else find after days of obsessing and overthinking that their mind just sort of empties itself? The feeling of HA can still be there, as well as symptoms, but your mind is no longer racing with destructive thoughts?

I'm usually like this now - after an initial week of semi-constant fear and shaking. Just absent-minded with a few bouts of the old "I'm going to die aren't I?" feeling. I'm quite clumsy, and find it difficulty to concentrate on things.

I also had a scary episode the other night where for a few moments I had an extreme version of what I'm talking about. I found myself, out of nowhere, unable to string together more than a few words in my head and it felt strenuous to push against it, with my larynx muscles tightening - which I assume is because they make tiny movements in relation to your inner voice.

I thought I was having a mini stroke or a seizure, but I could read and understand the words on my computer fine, and even googled my symptoms. I was even able to walk, move all limbs, and there were no signs anything was wrong with my face.

Despite this there were a few things that do sound bad. I found it difficult to speak, though I was making sense when I did. I'd say one half of a sentence and then pause a second, then say the other half - but this could very well be linked to the fact I usually do have a speech impediment when I am distressed/I couldn't really think out what I was going to say in my head before I said it.

The person I was talking to used to be a nurse and didn't think I'd had a mini stroke, and neither did my Doctor - but my inner voice felt completely paralysed and I suddenly began mentally checking myself.

Funnily enough, I got none of the other symptoms I have been worrying about being signs that a stroke/seizure is on the horizon when I found myself in this state i.e. phantom smells/deja vu.

The weird thing is this could be my mind's defence to anxiety which has landed me somewhere south of "normal" thinking, or (and I know it may be the HA talking) an actual symptom of the neurological disorders that I'm afraid of.

I don't know how to climb out of this because it seems like I can't actively address or fight subconscious anxiety.

Thanks for reading.