View Full Version : Feeling Awful!!

21-03-17, 10:24
I really don't know what is happening to me, I am convinced I have something serious wrong with me.
I have had a off balanced/ lightheaded feeling for months.
Now I am feeling really strange, my head feels funny I feel hot and sick, I am convinced I am going to collapse.
I feel totally out of it, I cannot live like this, I have taken propranolol this morning but this obviously hasn't helped as I have felt worse since taking it.

21-03-17, 10:41
hi helen, I have the same issues just now, I feel drunk and like I am walking on a boat, sometimes I feel I am just going to pass out, I never do but still convinced I will

I get pressure on right side of head and ear which makes me think brain tumor but had eye test and they said everything is fine, not sure if that's enough to convince

are you on meds ?

21-03-17, 10:55
Thanks for your reply,
I am only taking propranolol as and when I need it but I am still feeling bad so don't think it can be helping much, was even wondering if it was making me worse as I have felt worse since taking it this morning.
I am really struggling to function as I am frightened to move in case I collapse.
My head feels like its floating and I get an uneasy feeling in my stomach as well.
I think I am going to have to go back to the doctors as I really cannot cope with this I am in tears where I am so frightened.
I am even scared to walk down the stairs as I feel I will collapse which is a pain as the only toilet I have is upstairs!
I don't know how to over come this, I have tried relaxing and doing breathing exercises but its still happening, I feel like giving up.:scared15:

21-03-17, 10:57
I feel the same, I am so bad I need to take medication now and even then I'm scared to take it, has the doc not advised you to go on anxiety meds ?

21-03-17, 11:06
The doctor did say there are other things I can try if needed, I hate taking meds and was hoping I could cope without anything else but obviously not.
I also try not to admit how much I am struggling so the doctor doesn't realise how bad I am which I know is silly but I find it hard to accept anxiety is causing me to feel this bad and keep thinking its something physical even though I am aware that anxiety can cause these symptoms.
Helen x