View Full Version : Headache and head pressure

21-03-17, 12:35
Hi just seeing if anyone can relate to my symptoms. Terrified there's something wrong with me ! I haven't had health anxiety for years really, it's all come back since I been suffering with labrynthitis (apparently) for 5 months.

I've been getting headaches on and off for about 2 months now also with a lot of visual problems. There not like migraines or tension I don't think. Sometimes when I stand up I get a throbbing pain all over my head and when I bend over I get pain and pressure on top of my head and in my eyes. It doesn't go away when I'm upright then it lingers all days or for a few days.

I've been getting pain the back of my head and in my left eye a lot. It gets worse through the day and any exercise or activity makes it worse. I did try yoga for a few days but stopped because it gave me a headache for 12 days straight!

I've never suffered with headaches before and I'm really worried it could be a tumour or something wrong with the arteries in my head. I can't even exercise anymore because my head will pound.

Thanks for reading

27-03-17, 10:21
Oh no that's awful. How are you feeling now? Im experiencing head pressure in my temples but no actual pain or headache. Sometimes I feel dizzy but it lasts a split second. hope you feel better soon.

31-08-17, 21:20
Hi. This is very similar to my situation. Just wondering how you are now and if the symptoms improved?? I would love to hear that you're doing better now... Would give me some hope.

12-09-17, 10:13
Hi Sweetiepie, my head is fine but I still get split second feelings of dizziness, in fact I woke up with it this morning. Im not sure if its because Im hormonal and Im actually on my period so could be anaemia. I will monitor it and check but I don't remember this being the case last time I had it.