View Full Version : Red Sores On Roof Of Mouth

21-03-17, 18:54
For a little over a week i had a a very sore throat and sinuses and so i was taking antibiotics for that but i was also eat alot of throat drops which is little hard candy i was sucking on these most of the day and night well the roof of my mouth got really sore and when food would touch it, it would hurt and burn well today i noticed i have 3 red sores on the roof of my mouth ones almost in the center and 2 smaller ones are on the side of the gum right next to the bigger red spot. My first that was the hard throat drops pressed against the roof of my mouth has caused it to rub a sore there, the pain os going away its been a day or so since i ate the hard throat drops and the pain and irritation is going away but i was wondering is hard candy can do this to the roof of your mouth?

21-03-17, 21:59
Yup! This happens to me just about every time I have a cold and suck on too many cough drops. They get all shredded up as they start to dissolve and scratch the roof of your mouth. Rinse with some salt water to speed up healing.

22-03-17, 00:28
When you eat sharp things, they tear up the roof of your mouth.
This is such a well known fact that there are even internet memes about it.
I recently saw one that was funny, it said, "Cap'n Crunch: cuz f@ck the roof of your mouth."

But yeah, anything sharp or hard will definitely hurt the roof of your mouth. It'll heal, don't worry.


22-03-17, 01:51
I get this all the time, my mouth is quite sensitive. Bonjela helps immensely with the pain!

Reminds me of that Billy Connolly skit about eating Toblerone that's been in the fridge :roflmao: