View Full Version : Fear of driving

21-03-17, 19:27
Hey everyone, i used to visit a few years ago but i have returned.
I passed my driving test 7 years ago, and moved away so i never bought a car. My partner recently bought a car and i'm on the insurance to drive it but i'm terrified. I'm scared of driving through the wrong traffic lights, scared of parking the car, scared of hitting someone else, scared i am going to stall (which i have done on a test run and had a panic attack) I drove it a very short distance by myself late at night a few weeks ago, which felt good.
Everytime i think about driving though i feel sick. I so badly want to drive to give my partner a break, but everytime we go to get in the car i just move to the passengers as a signal of 'im not driving today'. My partner won't push me but i can tell he's getting annoyed with me.
How do i break the cycle? My friends keep telling me to practice and just 'get in and drive', but i really feel like i'm going to ruin the car or crash it - im fed up of them asking because it makes me defensive and guilty. I had refresher lessons and was ok in the instructors car - maybe because i knew he had dual controls to stop me if i was about to do something stupid?
Thanks for any help. :)

21-03-17, 20:51
I was a terrified driver too. I have no idea how I survived driver's ed, but my teacher flat out told me that I was the worst driver in the car.

Now, several years later, my mother just told me that I am a very confident driver. It felt like the biggest compliment :)

Really, the best way to go about it is to just practice. Yes, that's stating the obvious. But you want to set yourself up for success and not put too much pressure on yourself right out the gate.

If you can, start practicing during times when there's not much traffic about, either late at night or out in the country. Just keep going out for a drive until you feel fairly comfortable, then start moving to places with a little more traffic, then a little more, etc. Definitely practice parking with no one around, then move up to more congested areas.

Like most things in life, it's just something you have to get a feel for and build up your confidence.